Table: journal_time

  Column Name Data Type Default
Foreign Key
1. PK journal_key decimal(15)      
2.   journal_trans_date datetime      
3.   time_data_key decimal(15)   person_time_data fk_journal_time1
4.   organization_key decimal(15)   customer fk_journal_time6
5.   general_ledger_key decimal(15)   general_ledger fk_journal_time7
6.   account_key decimal(15)   account fk_journal_time2
7.   post_history_key decimal(15)   post_history fk_journal_time4
8.   invoice_key decimal(15)   invoice fk_journal_time5
9.   project_key decimal(15)   project fk_journal_time3
10.   category tinyint      
11.   amount decimal(18,2)      
12.   extract_date datetime      
Foreign Keys
Column References Foreign Key Name
Table Column
account_key account account_key fk_journal_time2
organization_key customer customer_key fk_journal_time6
general_ledger_key general_ledger general_ledger_key fk_journal_time7
invoice_key invoice invoice_key fk_journal_time5
time_data_key person_time_data time_data_key fk_journal_time1
post_history_key post_history post_history_key fk_journal_time4
project_key project project_key fk_journal_time3
Check Constraints
Name Definition
cc_journal_time_category ([category]>=(1) AND [category]<=(99))
cc_journal_time_source ([post_history_key] IS NOT NULL AND [invoice_key] IS NULL OR [post_history_key] IS NULL AND [invoice_key] IS NOT NULL)
cc_jt_journal_trans_date ([journal_trans_date]>='1900-01-01' AND [journal_trans_date]<='2099-12-31')
Index Name Unique Column Name Asc Or Desc
pk_journal_time true journal_key Asc
idx_journal_time1 false project_key Asc
idx_journal_time2 false invoice_key Asc
idx_journal_time3 false time_data_key Asc
idx_journal_time4 false organization_key Asc
idx_journal_time5 false general_ledger_key Asc
idx_journal_time6 false account_key Asc
idx_journal_time7 false post_history_key Asc
Dependent Views
View Name