If you are experiencing the "Database is not currently available" error, review the following common causes:
When migrating from a previous version -- did you remember to copy your existing properties files (which you backed up from your old properties / config directory) to the new /config directory?
When installing SQL Server, was SQL Server authentication installed as opposed to NT Authentication only? To check, in SQL Server Enterprise Manager, click on Tools\SQL Server Configuration Properties – then click the Security tab. The radio button should indicate SQL Server and Windows NT/2000.
Verify that the database name, username, and password match the values in the database.properties file.
Check for a space in the name of the database, username, or password in the database.properties file.
If the database and login name is something other than Unanet, was that change reflected in the sqlpermissions.sql before running that script?
Is the Servlet engine classpath and/or alias pointing to the wrong Unanet installation, or wrong drive?
Can you ping the machine?
Check to make sure your server is listening on port 1433. To test this, in the command prompt enter netstat -an.
Have you restarted the MS SQL Server service?
You may also find your log files helpful for additional troubleshooting guidance, for example, when getting this error ”The Unanet database is not currently available. Please try again later or contact your Unanet administrator.” Check out the default-out.log file in \Program Files.
Below are the two errors you may see, and the explanations as to why this is happening.
java.sql.SQLException: Connection refused: no further information - Error received when there is no match with database name and the value supplied in the database.properties file.
java.sql.SQLException: Login failed for user 'xxxxx'. - Error received when permissions are not granted, or user name and password do not match the values supplied in the database.properties file.