Admin Setup - Organization Types


This screen can be used to create and maintain the set of Organization Types that will be available in your system.  When setting up Organizations, one of the attributes available to classify Organizations is the Organization Type. Organization Types are strictly an informational tag useful in viewing the Organization List, and have no effect on an organization's function. They are available in the exports and Adhoc reports, but not in the standard reports.

Note that this entity does not impact how an organization is to be used within Unanet, but is available for a custom categorization, that is, there are other mechanisms in place to identify an organization as a Customer or Vendor for example.


This screen is available to users having the Administrator role.


This screen is available with any Unanet license.


Topics covered on this help page include:


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Example Organization Types maintenance screen:

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):


Example Values

Examples of possible organization types may include; "Customer", "Internal", "External", "Govt", etc.