Initial Unanet Login Account

Unanet comes with a default administrative username and password for initial system access.

Login to Unanet as: ID: unanet  Password: unanet.

This user id is intended solely for the purpose of allowing you to sign in and create your own Administrative user id.  You should not attempt to use this special account as your standard Administrative account (as most functionality is not available to this limited id).

Once signed in with this special account, you can either create your own Administrative account, or you can activate an Administrator account that has been delivered with your new installation.

Activate Provided Administrator Account

  1. Click on the "People" menu.

  2. Click on the "List" sub-menu item.

  3. On the Search tab, check the "Person Status" -- "Inactive" check box (such that inactive user accounts will be included in the resulting list).

  4. Click on the "List" tab (you should see one entry for "UNANETADMIN" in the resulting output).

  5. Click on the edit pencil icon (this will launch you into edit mode on the person profile for this user id).

  6. Check the "Active" checkbox on the "Profile" tab.

  7. Click on the "Roles" tab and check the "Administrator" role.

  8. Click on the "Password" tab and enter a new password for this account (twice).

  9. Click the "Save" button.

  10. Click on the "Log Out" menu option in the upper right hand corner.

  11. At this point, you should be able to sign back into Unanet using the newly activated "UNANETADMIN" user id (along with the password you just supplied).


Create Your Own Administrator Account

In order to create your own Administrator account from scratch, you may want to first establish an Organization (as all users must be associated with an organization).  This can be accomplished via the Organizations screens.  Once the prerequisite entity has been established, you can create a new user via the People Add function.

Once an Administrator is added to the system, the special administrator username and password (i.e. unanet / unanet) will no longer work. As long as there is at least one administrator account in the system, the special unanet administrator username and password will be disabled. If all the active administrators from the system are removed (either deleted or have the Administrator role removed), the special unanet administrator username and password will again become active).

Once you have created your own unanet Administrator user id, you must log out and then back into the system with your new id before proceeding with further data configuration.

Note: If you ever forget your Administrator password, you can reactivate the unanet/unanet id/password by running an SQL script in your database to remove the Administrator role from all users.  You can then sign in with the special unanet account to reset your own administrator user id password, re-adding the administrator role at the same time.  You can contact Unanet Customer Support who can assist you with the necessary SQL scripts to perform this update.