Reports - People - Periodic - Resource Allocation


This report can be configured to answer a variety of questions regarding how booked a person is, in terms of actual hours, assigned hours or planned hours (and can optionally consider requested leave as being booked).  The output is in a period by period layout (daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly) and can be color coded to help flag those individuals that fall in a particular booked percentage range.  


Click Through for Details

You can click on a user's name within the report output to view additional details on either the Periodic Forecast or Periodic Actuals report.  Which report you click through to will depend on the option you selected in the Reporting Options control.  Further, you can supply Click-through Options to further influence what you will see on the drill down report.


This report is available to users having any of the following roles:  Administrator, HR Administrator, P&R Administrator, Manager and Viewer.


This report is available with the Project Portfolio family of licenses.


Topics covered on this help page include:


Selection Criteria

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information)



Example Report Output

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