Finish New Installation

Congratulations!  You have now finished installing your Unanet system.  

The topics covered on this page include:

Post Install Activities  

You have now finished installing your Unanet system.  

If you are going to be the Unanet Administrator, you will now want to continue to set additional Unanet properties so that your Unanet system meets your business rules and performance objectives.  If you are not going to be the Unanet Administrator, you should contact that person and let them know that they can start configuring the system.

Data Backups

Once you have your system installed and configured, you will want to make sure that your standard backup scheme includes the following components:

Unanet Database -- back up all necessary database components on a regular basis.  This will allow you to recover your critical Unanet data in the event of a future problem.  See your database specific documentation for more information about alternatives.

Unanet Property Files -- back up the customized property file entries that have been created during your implementation process.  You may want to include the config directory in your regular back up scheme, as these files may be modified from time to time.

Servlet Engine Properties -- if you have customized any servlet engine configuration files, you may want to include those files in your backup scheme.

Managing System Performance

Depending on the number of users, projects, frequency of system access, etc., you may need to adjust certain performance parameters as your usage of the system grows.  You can review the material at the following link to learn more:  Performance Tuning Tips.  

Servlet Engine Restarts:  As a best practice to ensure maximum performance, you might consider scheduling a periodic restart of your servlet engine (i.e. Tomcat).  The frequency of such a restart would depend on your system usage.  If you routinely update your servers with the latest OS / virus patches, etc. you may already have a system restart schedule in place.

Notify Unanet

Unanet Customer Service is always interested in keeping up with which versions of software are in use at customer sites.  Please take a quick minute to send an email to indicating your success (along with the version you are running).  If you have the time, you could also click on the Send to Unanet button on the About page (which will forward your platform details to customer service).  



Troubleshooting and Unanet Logging

Should you need to investigate Unanet related problems, you may find it useful to review the contents of one of several log files (or the Unanet Support Team may request that you forward a set of log files when assisting with an investigation).  You can control the level of detail which appears in the log files by configuring the  Logging Level  (unanet.log.level) property.  

Valid values include:

Each level provides progressively more detail (from top to bottom) and also includes the detail of the levels above.  

Tips - avoid leaving this setting on FINEST (when not investigating a specific issue) due to the large volume of data this level of logging produces.  

Log output location is servlet engine dependent and can be specified using the  Log File (Fully Qualified File Name)  (unanet.log.output)  property setting.  Note that the log level still pertains even if the unanet.log.output property  is not set.  If you are using Tomcat, the default log directory is …/tomcatxx/logs.  There may be many log files located in the logs directory.  

If an issue you are having is reproducible, please follow the procedures outlined below, which can help reduce the size of the data in the logs and thus help you more easily identify your issue:

  1. Stop the servlet engine (i.e. Tomcat) .

  2. Create an "archive" directory in the existing logs directory and move all log files to it.

  3. Restart the servlet engine (i.e. Tomcat).

  4. Log into Unanet and reproduce the issue.

  5. Review log file and/or (if shipping to Unanet Support) zip up ALL the log files in the logs directory using Winzip or an equivalent compression tool and email the resulting file to Unanet Support.

If the issue you are having already occurred and cannot be readily reproduced, zip up ALL the log files in the logs directory and send the resulting file to Unanet Support.

Additional System Data Configuration

Now that the installation and setup steps are completed the system is ready for initial data set up -- see the Getting Started section for details on these next steps.

Also note, the functionality within Unanet is highly configurable.  Be sure to review the list of settings that can be configured to enable or disable various functionality.


Knowledge Center

For more assistance, check out the Unanet Knowledge Center, which contains additional best practices, answers to frequently asked questions, instructional videos and more...

Interested in additional training? Check out the upcoming course offerings at Unanet University.