unanet.properties file reference

Maximum size allowed for each attachment
ID: unanet.attachment.max_size
Default: 10485760
Description: This property will govern the allowable size for all attachments within Unanet (ie expense report, project note and project comment attachments). The value supplied represents the size in bytes. This may be useful to help prevent users from accidentally attaching enormously large files. The system will reference this size limitation when saving attachments, that is, supplying a new size limit will not impact any existing attachments.

A value of 10485760 bytes is approximately 10 MB.
File Extensions that are not allowed
ID: unanet.attachment.invalid_file_extensions
Description: This property will allow the system administrator to better control the types of attachments allowed to be saved in Unanet, by indicating which file extensions are not permitted. You can supply a single file extension (eg .rpt) or a list of comma separated extensions (eg .rpt, .png, .tiff). Do note that you must include the period.

If the unanet.attachment.valid_file_extensions property is enabled, this property is ignored.
File Extensions that are allowed
ID: unanet.attachment.valid_file_extensions
Description: This property will allow the system administrator to better control the types of attachments allowed to be saved in Unanet, by indicating which file extensions are permitted. You can supply a single file extension (eg .xls) or a list of comma separated extensions (eg .xls, .doc, .gif). Do note that you must include the period.

If this property is used, the unanet.attachment.invalid_file_extensions property is ignored.
Allow Users to Un-Complete Invoices
ID: unanet.invoice.allow_invoice_uncomplete
Default: false
Description: When enabled, the users can un-complete an Invoice. This function will delete all journal transactions generated by the original invoice completion and set the invoice status back to Draft. NOTE THAT IF THE TRANSACTIONS WERE PREVIOUSLY EXTRACTED TO AN EXTERNAL SYSTEM THAT THEY WILL NO LONGER EXIST IN UNANET AND THAT REVERSING ENTRIES WILL NOT BE GENERATED. ANY ADJUSTING ENTRIES TO THE EXTERNAL SYSTEM MUST BE MADE MANUALLY IN THE EXTERNAL SYSTEM. This function is subject to the following restrictions:
  • This function is available to users having the Administrator role only.
  • Voiding invoice cannot be directly un-completed. However, un-completing of the voided invoice will also delete the voiding invoice.
  • An invoice cannot be un-completed if there is at least one invoice that was created after it that contains one or more projects from this invoice.
Hide Owning Org on Remit To Address
ID: unanet.invoice.hide.remit_to.org_name
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the Owning Org Name will appear on invoice's remit to address.

If the property is set to true the owning org name will not appear.
Hide Project Org on Bill To Address
ID: unanet.invoice.hide.bill_to.org_name
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the Project Org Name will appear on invoice's bill to address.

If the property is set to true the project org name will not appear.
Hide Project Org on Ship To Address
ID: unanet.invoice.hide.ship_to.org_name
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the Project Org Name will appear on invoice's ship to address.

If the property is set to true the project org name will not appear.
Hide Billing Through Date
ID: unanet.invoice.hide.billing_through_date
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the Billing Through Date will appear on invoice.

If the property is set to true the Billing Through Date label and value will not appear on the invoice.
Invoice Date Format
ID: unanet.invoice.date_format
Default: Empty
Description: Determine the date format to be used for all invoice date values. Valid values include:
  • Empty - use Unanet default date format
  • M/d/yyyy
  • d/M/yyyy
  • d-MMM-yy
Given an example date of January 5, 2010, the 3 formats above would yield:
  • M/d/yyyy — 1/5/2010
  • d/M/yyyy — 5/1/2010
  • d-MMM-yy — 5-Jan-10
The default format in your installation is locale dependent and will be either M/d/yyyy or d/M/yyyy. You can
force all dates on the invoice to one of the formats above, or leave it blank to display your default format.
The d-MMM-yy format may be desirable if you have customers that find the other two options ambiguous.
Auto-Correct Invoice Rounding
ID: unanet.invoice.auto_correct.rounding.default
Default: false
Description: This setting is used as the default Auto-Correct Rounding value when invoices are created via Financials | Invoicing & Posting | Add Invoice.

If true, by default, the invoice will automatically calculate the current invoice amount for a TM line as the extension of hours times rate or cost times (1+ markup) or multiplier for any invoice rows where these values are displayed on the primary invoice format. Any variance between the extension amount and the sum of the detail transactions on the primary invoice format will be written off as part of invoice completion.

If false, by default, the invoice will calculate the current invoice amount for a TM lines as the sum of all existing detail transactions.

This value can be overridden at the invoice level if necessary to create an invoice that contravenes this general rule.
Suppress Unposted data preview before Billing & Revenue Post
ID: unanet.billing.post.suppress_preview
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the user will be able to preview the summary of the transactions that will be generated by the post before initiating the post process.
Suppress Unbilled data preview before Invoice Creation
ID: unanet.invoice.add.suppress_preview
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the user will be able to preview the summary of the invoices that will be generated by the process before initiating invoice creation.
Automatic Project Code Generation
Project Code Source
ID: unanet.auto.project_code.source
Default: Empty
Description: Determines the value used as a prefix and source of sequence number for projects codes auto-generated by Unanet. Valid values include:
  • Empty - OFF
  • Project Type - T
  • Project Organization - P
  • Owning Organization - O
  • Legal Entity - L
Project Code Separator
ID: unanet.auto.project_code.separator
Description: Separator value that will be inserted between the prefix and sequence number for auto-generated project codes. If no value is specified, the prefix and sequence number will be concatenated directly. This Unanet property would typically be no more than one character in length (e.g., '-', '.', etc.)
Project Code Sequence Number Minimum Length
ID: unanet.auto.project_code.sequence_number.min_length
Default: Empty
Description: Minimum size of the sequence number part of the auto-generated project codes. If the current value of the sequence number has fewer digits than specified by this property, the sequence number will be zero-padded to reach the specified length (e.g. if 4 is specified, the first sequence number created for a project code would be 0001)
Maximum size allowed for each image
ID: unanet.image.max_size
Default: 10485760
Description: This property will govern the allowable size for all images within Unanet. The value supplied represents the size in bytes. This may be useful to help prevent users from accidentally attaching enormously large image files. The system will reference this size limitation when saving images, that is, supplying a new size limit will not impact any existing images.

A value of 10485760 bytes is approximately 10 MB.

Note: This property currently applies only to the invoice images. In a future release, all images may be managed via the images screen.
Image File Extensions that are not allowed
ID: unanet.image.invalid_file_extensions
Description: This property will allow the system administrator to better control the types of images allowed to be saved in Unanet, by indicating which image file extensions are not permitted. You can supply a single file extension (eg .tiff) or a list of comma separated extensions (eg .bmp, .ico). Do note that you must include the period.

If the unanet.image.valid_file_extensions property is enabled, this property is ignored.
Image File Extensions that are allowed
ID: unanet.image.valid_file_extensions
Description: This property will allow the system administrator to better control the types of images allowed to be saved in Unanet, by indicating which image file extensions are permitted. You can supply a single file extension (eg .gif) or a list of comma separated extensions (eg .jpg, .png, .gif). Do note that you must include the period.

If this property is used, the unanet.image.invalid_file_extensions property is ignored.
Search/Filter Settings
Require Org Filter On Time And Expense Exports
ID: unanet.extract.require_org
Default: false
Description: This property is used by the Time and Expense extract processes. This property, if set to true, will force an Administrator to specify Person Organizations for which time or expense data should be extracted. If the extract selection criteria page does not include Person Organizations, the value of this property is ignored.

This property can be useful if you are trying to limit the amount of data extracted at any one time.

This property does not affect exports.
Require Project Code Filter For Project Search
ID: unanet.project_search.require_project_code
Default: false
Description: This property is used to require that a user enter a value in the project code field on the My Projects, Project List and User ETC screens. This feature may be useful if your site has a very large number of active / Self Assign projects (and is likely to be used in conjunction with the unanet.assign_search.enabled property).
Default To Search Tab On My Projects
ID: unanet.assign_search.enabled
Default: false
Description: If this value is set to true, a search tab on the My Projects screen is displayed by default when navigating to this screen. This feature may be useful if your site has very large data volumes and you want to have your users narrow down the contents of the My Projects list (to help with user response time and overall system performance).

If this value is set to false, the List tab is presented.
Default To Assign Projects For Org Assignment
ID: unanet.org_assignment.my_projects.select_by_default
Default: true
Description: When enabled, the creation of a Project > Org Assignment will result in a "My Project's – Selected Projects(/Tasks)" entry for each user associated with the assigned person organization. That is, creating an Org Assignment for a project will make the project automatically appear on each user's timesheet/expense report project drop down list. The user can subsequently remove that project/task via the My Project screen. Note that manipulating the Person Organization value on a user's Person Profile will also result in the automatic creation of "My Project's – Selected Projects(/Tasks)" entries for any projects having Org Assignments for that user's person organization.

When disabled, the "My Project's" entries will not automatically be created due to the existence of an Org Assignment. Each user can manually make the project "Selected" (to then appear on their timesheet or expense report) via the My Projects screen.

Note that enabling/disabling this property will not result in any immediate changes to existing My Projects entries. The behavior will only change for future Project Org Assignment and Person Profile modifications.
Default to Show Existing on Add Plan/Assignment
ID: unanet.show_existing_plans_assignments
Default: true
Description: If this value is set to true, existing assignments will be displayed by default in the "Assignments for" box on the Assignment Add screen. If set to false, no existing assignments will appear when the screen appears.
Default to Show Existing on Employee Type Employee Tab
ID: unanet.show_emp_type_employees
Default: true
Description: If this value is set to true, existing employees will be displayed by default in the "Employees for" box on the Employee Type Employees tab. If set to false, no existing employees will appear when the tab appears.
Limit Results On My Projects List Tab
ID: unanet.assign_search.result_limit
Default: 1000
Description: This value can be used to limit the number of entries (Project/Task) returned to the 'Available Projects (Tasks)' window on the My Projects screen.

If the result set contains more records than this limit, a message is presented to the user to further refine the selection criteria. The purpose of this setting is to avoid excessively long running queries that may hinder overall system performance.
Limit Results In Search Filters
ID: unanet.volume_search.filter_limit
Default: 250
Description: This property will control the number of values that can be returned from a search filter into a drop-down or multi-select list box.

This may be useful if your installation has a large number of projects, users, etc. and the administrator would like to limit the volume of data returned to selection screens.
Default to List Tab on Task List (for lists having <= X tasks)
ID: unanet.task_list.search_enable.limit
Default: 0
Description: Controls which tab is activated by default when accessing the Task list. When set to 0, the List tab is always presented.

When set to a non-zero value, the user will be presented with the List tab displaying the full list of tasks for a project when the number of tasks is less than or equal to the defined property value, otherwise, the user will be presented with the Search tab.
Autocomplete Query Delay Time
ID: unanet.autocomplete.query_delay
Default: 250
Description: Number of milliseconds to delay after input before triggering a query event. If new input occurs before this delay is over, the previous input event will be ignored and a new delay will begin.
Autocomplete Minimum Query Length
ID: unanet.autocomplete.min_query_length
Default: 1
Description: Minimum number of characters that must be entered before a query event will be fired. A value of 0 allows empty queries.
Autocomplete Maximum Number of Returned Values
ID: unanet.autocomplete.max_results
Default: 250
Description: This property will control the number of values that can be returned into an autocomplete list box. A value of 0 allows an unlimited number of results.
Display Options
Sort Tasks By Work Breakdown Structure Number
ID: unanet.task.sort.order.by_sequence
Default: true
Description: This property will govern the sort order of tasks in all screens that contain a task drop down list box.

If true, the tasks will be sorted in the same sequence that they appear on the Task Home page (by sequence entered/displayed on screen).

If false, the tasks will be sorted in an alphanumeric order (by Task Name).

Note: If set to false, you may consider turning off the display of the task numbers -- see unatime.tasks.show_numbers below.
Show Task Work Breakdown Structure Numbers
ID: unatime.tasks.show_numbers
Default: false
Description: If this parameter is set to true, task numbers will be displayed with the task name where task names are displayed.

Note this does not apply to the Project Profile >> Task List screen (where task WBS numbers will always be shown) nor Invoices as their format is defined in Admin >> Setup >> Accounting >> Invoice Formats.
Allow creation of and show Fiscal Calendar Options
ID: unanet.fiscal_calendar.enabled
Default: false
Description: When enabled, the Admin>>Setup>>Accounting>>Fiscal Years screen includes additional functionality to define fiscal period breakdowns (quarters, months and weeks). Additional fiscal period selection criteria options will appear on many date range controls.

Configuring Fiscal Periods is required when using the Unanet Financials functionality and they appear throughout the Financials related screens.
Unanet Locale
ID: unanet.locale
Default: Specified by the JVM
Description: Date/time, number, and day formatting defaults to the locale specified by the JVM, which presumably gets the locale from the operating system. Using this property, you can override the JVM specific default locale setting.

Check out the following examples of valid locale values.

You may also be interested in changing the unasense.company.currency property which controls the base currency setting for Unanet and is used to determine the currency symbol shown throughout the Unanet product. This property is not limited to impacting expense related screens.
This property can ONLY be maintained in the unanet.properties file.
Its value cannot be changed via the user interface.
Logout Redirect URL
ID: unanet.logout.redirect
Default: Blank
Description: This property is used to override the system's default behavior regarding where a user is directed after they click on the log out menu option. When this property is not set, the default behavior is for the login screen to display.

This property may be useful, for example, if your site is using an external authentication process and you do not want your users to see the standard Unanet login screen when they log out.

Tip: When using this property, some customers will also create a login screen splash image (using the unanet.splash.xxx properties) which could contain customized instructions for your users as to how to appropriately sign into Unanet given their procedures. This is simply an additional preventive measure should a user somehow find themselves on the standard Unanet login screen.
Date Defaulting
Default new Assignments to be Linked to Project/Task Dates
ID: unanet.default_dates_to_linked.assignments
Default: true
Description: This property will control whether the "Link Dates to Project/Task Dates" option is checked by default when adding a new assignment via the Assignment add screen. This property will not have any impact on the Assignment import.
Default new Plans to be Linked to Project/Task Dates
ID: unanet.default_dates_to_linked.plans
Default: true
Description: This property will control whether the "Link Dates to Project/Task Dates" option is checked by default when adding a new plan via the Plan add screen. This property will not have any impact on the Planned Work import.
E-mail Settings
Enable Email
ID: unatime.email
Default: false
Description: Turns on and off email functionality within Unanet. See Email Setup for additional information.
Mail Host (SMTP Server)
ID: mail.host
Description: Specify the SMTP server your Unanet system will use to send out email. See Email Setup for additional information.
Default From Email Address
ID: unatime.email.default_from_address
Description: This is the email address the system uses as the From email address when a Sending User does not have a defined email address in Unanet. This email address is also used for those messages that are not initiated by a Unanet user, but rather from the Unanet system itself (for example, scheduled email reminders). For Unanet email to function properly, you should provide a value for this property.

The Unanet email functionality considers both the Default From Email Address and the Static From Email Address properties. As a best practice, you may want to supply values for both of these properties.

When this property is used alone (ie without the Static From Email Address property), the From and Reply To email attributes will be the Sending User's email address (if the Sending User has an email address in Unanet), otherwise the Default From Email Address will be used.

When this property is used in conjunction with the Static From Email Address property, the From attribute will always come from the Static From Email Address (for all user and system initiated email messages), while the Reply To will come from the Sending User's email address (if provided), otherwise the Default From Email Address.

Note: If recipients are not receiving email messages sent from your Unanet system, it may be due to SPAM restrictions on the receiving Email servers. A common reason why email is blocked has to do with the From email address having a domain that does not match the outgoing mail servers domain. A possible solution to this situation is to use the Static From Email Address property (supplying an address having a matching domain), to minimize the chances of your Unanet emails as being marked as spam by receiving email servers.
Static From Email Address
ID: unanet.email.static_from_address
Description: This is the email address the system uses as the From email address for all email messages sent from Unanet (regardless of whether the message was system initiated or initiated by a Unanet end user).

The Unanet email functionality considers both the Default From Email Address and the Static From Email Address properties. As a best practice, you may want to supply values for both of these properties.

When this property is used, the From email attribute will always come from this Static From Email Address (for all user and system initiated email messages), while the Reply To will come from the Sending User's email address (if provided), otherwise the Default From Email Address.

Note: If recipients are not receiving email messages sent from your Unanet system, it may be due to SPAM restrictions on the receiving Email servers. A common reason why email is blocked has to do with the From email address having a domain that does not match the outgoing mail servers domain. A possible solution to this situation is to use the Static From Email Address property (supplying an address having a matching domain), to minimize the chances of your Unanet emails as being marked as spam by receiving email servers.
Mail Authentication
ID: mail.auth
Description: Set this property to "true" if your email service provider's SMTP server requires authentication. You may need to set other properties (see below) in order for this to work. Please see the help for more information.

Warning: Setting mail.auth=true without setting both mail.user and mail.password will generate start up errors for email.

Note: Depending on your email service provider and whether you are using additional features (such as SSL), additional mail properties may need to be configured in your unanet.properties file (for example: mail.smtp.ssl.enable=true and mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true).

Also note that depending on your servlet engine, your options may be limited.

You may need to contact Unanet support to work with you to identify which additional properties may be necessary. Setting the mail.debug property to true may be useful in troubleshooting mail authentication configuration issues.
Example: mail.auth=true
This property can ONLY be maintained in the unanet.properties file.
Its value cannot be changed via the user interface.
Mail User
ID: mail.user
Description: If using the mail.auth property, you must provide a value for the email account user name. Please see the help for more information.

Warning: Setting mail.auth=true without setting both mail.user and mail.password will generate start up errors for email.
Example: mail.user=joeuser
The value of this property can ONLY be seen in the unanet.properties file.
It will not be maintained or shown in the user interface.
Mail Password
ID: mail.password
Description: If using the mail.auth property, you must provide a value for the email account password. Please see the help for more information.

Warning: Setting mail.auth=true without setting both mail.user and mail.password will generate start up errors for email.
Example: mail.password=mypassword
The value of this property can ONLY be seen in the unanet.properties file.
It will not be maintained or shown in the user interface.
Mail Debug
ID: mail.debug
Description: If using mail.authentication, this property may be useful in troubleshooting mail authentication configuration issues. Please see the help for more information.

Warning: Setting mail.auth=true without setting both mail.user and mail.password will generate start up errors for email.
Example: mail.debug=true
This property can ONLY be maintained in the unanet.properties file.
Its value cannot be changed via the user interface.
Disable Unanet Scheduler
ID: unanet.scheduler.disabled
Default: false
Description: This property controls whether the Unanet scheduler is enabled or disabled. This may be useful if you are working with a test environment.

When set to true (ie disabled), no scheduled reminders or system alerts will be executed. Several screens will also display an indication that the scheduler is currently disabled (e.g. About screen, Admin >> Schedule screen, Admin >> Reminders >> Schedule tab).
Report Logos
Image Alt Text
ID: unanet.logo.alt
Default: Blank
Description: Note: This property is deprecated. To configure logo images for reports, please use the
Admin >> Setup >> Miscellaneous >> Images screen.

This property value must be removed / blank in order to configure the images via the Images screen.

A comma separated list of alternate text for the logos identified using the unanet.logo.src property.

The number of entries in this list must exactly match the number of entries in the unanet.logo.src property, otherwise the properties will be considered invalid and no logo choices will be available.

See the Display Company Logo on Report Output page for more information and examples.
Image Source
ID: unanet.logo.src
Default: Blank
Description: Note: This property is deprecated. To configure logo images for reports, please use the
Admin >> Setup >> Miscellaneous >> Images screen.

This property value must be removed / blank in order to configure the images via the Images screen.

A comma separated list of image URLs identifying the logos available for inclusion in report output. If this list is empty, logo selection and output will be disabled. Each image URL in this list requires a matching entry in the unanet.logo.alt property.

Only internet supported image files can be used.

See the Display Company Logo on Report Output page for more information and examples.
Image URL
ID: unanet.logo.url
Default: Blank
Description: Note: This property is deprecated. To configure logo images for reports, please use the
Admin >> Setup >> Miscellaneous >> Images screen.

This property value must be removed / blank in order to configure the images via the Images screen.

An optional comma separated list of URLs to be associated with identified logos. The URLs will be associated to identified logos positionally; e.g., the first URL is associated with the first logo, etc.

When configured properly, clicking on the logo will send the user to the specified URL.

See the Display Company Logo on Report Output page for more information and examples.
Login Screen Image
Image Alt Text
ID: unanet.splash.alt
Description: Note: This property is deprecated. To configure logo images for Login Screen, please use the
Admin >> Setup >> Miscellaneous >> Images screen.

This property value must be removed / blank in order to configure the images via the Images screen.

The description, or help text, displayed in the browser when the user hovers the mouse over the image defined in the unanet.splash.src parameter.
Image Source
ID: unanet.splash.src
Description: Note: This property is deprecated. To configure logo images for Login Screen, please use the
Admin >> Setup >> Miscellaneous >> Images screen.

This property value must be removed / blank in order to configure the images via the Images screen.

This field must contain the full URL to an image you want displayed on the Unanet Login Screen.

Note that if you plan to have users access your Unanet system from outside your local network, you will need to be sure that the link to the image is also accessible from outside your network in order to be displayed properly.

Sizing Tip: Many customer ask if we have a requirement or suggestion regarding the size of the splash image. We do not have any particular requirement and ultimately it is up to the customer to determine what they think looks best. In general, however, you may want to shoot for an image that has dimensions of somewhere in the 300 X 200 to 500 X 300 pixel range.

Tip: The value supplied should display the desired image if you simply pasted it into the address bar on your browser.
Image Target
ID: unanet.splash.target
Description: Note: This property is deprecated. To configure logo images for Login Screen, please use the
Admin >> Setup >> Miscellaneous >> Images screen.

This property defines where to open the target URL defined by the unanet.splash.url parameter.

The value should have one of the following values:
  • _self - Open in the same frame
  • _top - Open in current browser, but take up the whole page
  • _blank - Open in a new browser
  • _parent - Open in the parent frame
Image URL
ID: unanet.splash.url
Description: Note: This property is deprecated. To configure logo images for Login Screen, please use the
Admin >> Setup >> Miscellaneous >> Images screen.

This property value must be removed / blank in order to configure the images via the Images screen.

The full URL of the target destination you want the user to go to if they click on the image defined in the unanet.splash.src parameter.
Log Settings
Logging Level
ID: unanet.log.level
Default: INFO
Description: Should you need to investigate Unanet related problems, you may find it useful to review the contents of one of several log files. In addition, the Unanet Support Team may request that you forward a set of log files when assisting with an investigation. You can control the level of detail which appears in the log files by configuring the unanet.log.level property (in the unanet.properties file).

Valid values include:
  • OFF
  • INFO (this is the default value)
  • FINE
  • FINER (this level of logging will reveal when and who start and stop each action and how long each action takes -- which could be useful for auditing or troubleshooting purposes)
  • ALL
Each level provides progressively more detail (from top to bottom) and also includes the detail of the levels above.

See the unanet.log.output property for information regarding the location of the log output files.

Tip: avoid leaving this setting on FINEST (when not investigating a specific issue) due to the large volume of data this level of logging produces.
Log File (Fully Qualified File Name)
ID: unanet.log.output
Description: You should specify a log file that will contain all the logging info by setting the unanet.log.output property.

A full path can be specified to anywhere that is writable by the user running the servlet engine, but we recommend keeping the log file in the servlet engine's log directory.

We have provided examples in the delivered unanet.properties file. Please use only one of the examples and make sure you modify the path to reflect your specific servlet engine directory path.
Disable JavaScript Minification
ID: unanet.disable.minification
Default: false
Description: This property disables minification of JavaScript components served by the Unanet application. Although you should always run with JavaScript minification enabled, temporarily running with non-minified JavaScript can be useful for trobuleshooting JavaScript issues. If the property is set to true, minification is disabled.
Temporary File Settings
Temp Directory (Fully Qualified Directory Name)
ID: unanet.temp_directory
Default: .
Description: This is the name of the directory that holds Unanet temporary files. Should you provide an invalid value, an error message will appear on the About screen as well as any dashboard.
Temporary File Cleanup Interval
ID: unanet.tempFileReaper.sleep_time
Default: The default value for this property is 30,000 milliseconds (30 seconds).
Description: This is one of several properties that work together to manage the cleanup of temporary files in Unanet. This value controls how often the temporary file clean up process will run.

Setting this value to run more frequently may help remove unwanted temp files more quickly, however, running the process too often may also occupy your disk resources more than you care to have them occupied. You'll want to take care to coordinate this setting with the other tempFileReaper settings should your usage patterns dictate a need to adjust these parameters.
Delete Temporary Chart Files Older Than
ID: unanet.tempFileReaper.max_temp_chart_age
Default: The default value for this property is 600,000 milliseconds (10 minutes).
Description: This is one of several properties that work together to manage the cleanup of temporary files in Unanet.

Setting this value higher will result in temp files residing on your system longer and possibly building up depending on your user community usage patterns. Setting this value lower will result in more frequent clean up and thus less buildup, however, certain actions in the system such as the printing of a chart may rely on the existence of the temporary files so you should take care not to set the value too low.
Delete Temporary Import Files Older Than
ID: unanet.tempFileReaper.max_temp_import_file_age
Default: The default value for this property is 604,800,000 milliseconds (7 days).
Description: This is one of several properties that work together to manage the cleanup of temporary files in Unanet.

Setting this value higher will result in temp files residing on your system longer and possibly building up depending on your user community usage patterns. Setting this value lower will result in more frequent clean up and thus less buildup, however, certain actions in the system such as the printing of a chart may rely on the existence of the temporary files so you should take care not to set the value too low.
Delete Temporary Other Files Older Than
ID: unanet.tempFileReaper.max_temp_file_age
Default: The default value for this property is 86,400,000 milliseconds (24 hours).
Description: This is one of several properties that work together to manage the cleanup of temporary files in Unanet.

Setting this value higher will result in temp files residing on your system longer and possibly building up depending on your user community usage patterns. Setting this value lower will result in more frequent clean up and thus less buildup, however, certain actions in the system such as the printing of a chart may rely on the existence of the temporary files so you should take care not to set the value too low.
Enable gzip
ID: unanet.gzip
Default: true
Description: This property enables compression of various components (such as html, javascript, etc). in order to improve performance. If the property is set to false, compression is disabled.

Check out html compression for more information.

Note: If using WebLogic - this feature is not compatible with WebLogic and should not be used.
HTTP Only Cookie
Enable Secure Cookie for SSL
Cookie Nonce Value
Authentication Type
ID: unanet.authentication
Default: unanet
Description: This property is used in conjunction with the single sign-on functionality. The default value is "unanet". See the single sign-on help page for more information about configuring alternative authentication options.
This property can ONLY be maintained in the unanet.properties file.
Its value cannot be changed via the user interface.
JAAS Application
ID: unanet.jaas.application
Default: unanet
Description: This property is used in conjunction with the single sign-on functionality. The default value of "unanet" should likely not be changed. If you think you have a need to change this, you may want to first contact Unanet Technical Support to discuss your reasoning to make sure to avoid any issues.

See the single sign-on help page for more information about configuring alternative authentication options.

This property is used to specify the authentication system to employ when validating a Unanet user (set in the jaas.config file). By default this value is the name of the context path.
The value of this property can ONLY be seen in the unanet.properties file.
It will not be maintained or shown in the user interface.
Property Configuration
Enable Transfer Button on this page
ID: unanet.properties.show_transfer_button
Default: false
Description: This Property controls whether or not the "Transfer" button is available on the Admin >> Properties screen.

While the default is false (hidden), anyone migrating from a release prior to 9.3 will have the value set to true with the assumption that at some point a one-time transfer will take place. Transfering the values from the unanet.properties file to the database is the first step in utilizing the new Admin >> Properties UI to manager your Unanet configuration.

Once the Transfer functionality is executed, this property is automatically set to false since it is unlikely that you would want to use the button again. If you should need the transfer functionality again in the future, simply check this value, save the configuration and the transfer button will again be available. Please see the Admin - Properties help for more detail.

If you started with Unanet 9.3+, there will likely be no need for you to use the transfer functionality.
Administrator Access
Limit Access To Administrators Only (Restricted Access Mode)
ID: unanet.restricted_access
Default: false
Description: This property is used to restrict users from accessing the Unanet system. When this property is set to true, only users with the Administrator role can log in or continue to use the system. We refer to this as Restricted Access Mode.

During certain version upgrades, the system will automatically put itself into and out of Restricted Access Mode during the update process in order to apply changes to the database.

This feature can be manually used by administrators as well, and may be useful for example, if an administrator needs access to Unanet while running custom data migration scripts and wants to do so without allowing users to sign in during this process.

When enabled, users will see a message informing them that the system is currently unavailable.
Prevent Administrative Login
ID: unanet.prevent.administrative.login
Default: false
Description: This property can be used to prevent users having either the Administrator or HRAdministrator role from logging into your Unanet system.

This feature has been used by organizations that have multiple front end web servers, some of which are outside a corporate firewall, and for whatever reason, they did not want to have their administrative users logging into that specific front end.
The value of this property can ONLY be seen in the unanet.properties file.
It will not be maintained or shown in the user interface.
Rate Permissions
Allow Cost Reporting For Non-Cost Rate Managers
ID: unanet.non_cost_mgr.allow_cost_reporting
Default: false
Description: When set to true, those users that could otherwise view the Project Status, Project Metrics Comparison, and Project Summary Forecast Reports but not see Cost Rate information, have visibility into the cost information in those reports (without having the normally required Cost Rate Manager role).
Allow Project Cost Reporting For Non-Cost Rate Managers
ID: unanet.non_cost_mgr.allow_project_cost_reporting
Default: false
Description: When set to true, users having project oriented roles can view the Project Accounting Reports without needing the otherwise required Cost Rate Manager role. Exceptions to this include the "Labor Cost Details" which still require the Cost Rate Manager (or Administrator) role. Additionally, the "Labor Details" click-thru's are disabled for the non-Cost Rate Manager users on the Project Accounting >> Project Cost Summary report.

When set to false, the Project Accounting reports are not available to users that do not have the Cost Rate Manager role.
Allow Project Margin Reporting For Non-Cost Rate Managers
ID: unanet.non_cost_mgr.allow_project_margin_reporting
Default: false
Description: When set to true, users having project oriented roles can view project margin in the Periodic Project Reports and Charts without needing the otherwise required Cost Rate Manager and Bill Rate Manager roles.

When set to false, the margin options are not available to users that do not have the Cost Rate Manager and Bill Rate Manage roles.
Allow Bill Rate Edit
ID: unasource.allow_bill_rate_edit
Default: true
Description: This property controls non-administrative users' ability to edit bill related rate fields (i.e. plan/assignment/project labor category bill rates) and works in conjunction with the Bill Rate Manager role. If the user does not have the Bill Rate Manager role, they will not see bill rates at all. If they do have the Bill Rate Manager role, this property essentially offers the option of making those values read-only.

If true, the bill fields are editable.

If false, the bill fields are display only.

Despite the property ID, this property governs functionality across Unanet products.
Allow Cost Rate Edit
ID: unasource.allow_cost_rate_edit
Default: true
Description: This property controls non-administrative users' ability to edit cost related rate fields (i.e. plan/assignment/project labor category cost rates) and works in conjunction with the Cost Rate Manager role. If the user does not have the Cost Rate Manager role, they will not see cost rates at all. If they do have the Cost Rate Manager role, this property essentially offers the option of making those values read-only.

If true, the cost fields are editable.

If false, the cost fields are display only.

Despite the property ID, this property governs functionality across Unanet products.
Alternate Settings
Prevent Non-Employees From Becoming Alternates
ID: unanet.prevent.nonemployee.be.alternate
Default: false
Description: This property can be used to prevent a user who is defined with a classification other than salaried or hourly from becoming an alternate for other users.
Prevent Non-Managers From Becoming Alternates
ID: unanet.prevent.nonmanager.be.alternate
Default: false
Description: This property can be used to prevent a user who is not defined with a manager type role (i.e., must have a role in addition to TimesheetUser, ExpenseUser, UnasourceUser, Viewer, ProjectViewer or Customer for timesheet and expense report approvals or must be an administrator or have a Purchasing Manager or AP Manager role for Purchasing and Vendor Invoice approvals, respectively) from becoming an alternate for other users.
Restrict Alternates By Role
ID: unanet.restrict_alternates_by_role
Default: false
Description: When set to true, the system will only allow a user to be an alternate if they have the role to which they are being assigned an alternate for. For example, when false, a timesheet user having no Manager role may be designated as their Manager's alternate, however, when true, such an alternate assignment would be prevented.

Note that this property in only enforced when designating alternate assignments, that is, when first enabled, it will not impact any pre-existing alternate assignments.

This property will be enforced for both global level alternate assignments (those defined on a user's person profile), as well as project level alternates (those defined on the project profile >> administrators screens -- as well as the project administrators import).

Note that when removing a role from a user it may result in the removal of alternate designations as well if this property is enabled. For example, if you remove the Manager role from a user, the system will also remove any Manager alternate assignments this user may have had in place. Further, adding the Manager role back to this user will not re-establish the deleted alternate assignments.
Licensed Count Warning
Warn within n users of limit (0 = No Warning)
ID: unanet.license_check.warning_interval
Default: 0
Description: This property is used to activate an Administrative warning on the dashboards when the remaining full (rather than planning only) licenses reaches the specified threshold.

A setting of zero (0) indicates that no warning should be given.
Password Expiration
Failed Login Attempts Before Lockout (0 = Unlimited)
ID: unanet.login_attempts_before_locked
Default: 0
Description: This property is used to activate a feature that will prevent a user from logging in after X number of failed login attempts. Supplying a value greater than zero will enable this feature.

When the feature is activated, the Account Status field will be displayed on the person profile password tab (its values are LOCKED or UNLOCKED). When a user has supplied an invalid password more than X times, their account will become LOCKED, and a checkbox will appear on the password tab to facilitate unlocking the user's account.

A count of invalid login attempts will also be displayed on the person profile password tab. Whenever a user successfully logs in, the count of invalid login attempts will be reset to 0.

When enabled, the person search will also provide an option to search for and display user's by locked/unlocked status. The Person Import can be used to unlock user accounts in bulk (but can not be used to lock accounts).

Any attempt by a user to log in after they have already been locked will be logged in the Servlet log files.

This feature only works with the Unanet login module (no single sign-on).
Days Before Expiration (0 = Unlimited)
ID: unanet.password.expire
Default: 0
Description: The number of days before a user's password will expire. A value of 0 indicates that passwords will never expire.

When a user's password expires, they will be redirected to their Preferences >> Password tab where they will need to supply a new password (which must be different than the current password). Unanet does not prevent the re-use of previously used passwords (other than the most recent).

When this property is initially set or subsequently reset to a new value, all passwords will expire in that many days (from the date the password was last changed). As individual users update their own passwords, then their own individual counters will reset on the date they update their password.

Note: If you are using a Single Sign-on configuration that also includes the Unanet Login option, you will want to avoid using this password expiration feature as it will result in user receiving erroneous expiration messages.
Expiration Warning Period
ID: unanet.password.expire.warn
Default: 7
Description: The number of days prior to a user's password expiring that the user will start getting warning messages to change his or her password.

Note that when the system says that your password will expire in X days, then you have at least 24 * X hours left to change it. When the time until your password expires drops below 1 day, then it will start reporting the number of hours and minutes until expiration.
Password Character Rules
Minimum Password Length
ID: unanet.password.minimum.length
Default: 4
Description: The minimum length of a new password.
Minimum Number Of Lower Case Characters
ID: unanet.password.minimum.character.lowercase
Default: 0
Description: The minimum number of lower case letters required in a new password.
Minimum Number Of Number Characters
ID: unanet.password.minimum.character.number
Default: 0
Description: The minimum number of numeric characters required in a new password.
Minimum Number Of Special Characters
ID: unanet.password.minimum.character.special
Default: 0
Description: The minimum number of special characters required in a new password.
Minimum Number Of Upper Case Characters
ID: unanet.password.minimum.character.uppercase
Default: 0
Description: The minimum number of upper case letters required in a new password.
Allowed Lower Case Characters
ID: unanet.password.character.lowercase
Default: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Description: Defines the lower case character set used when validating new passwords.
Allowed Number Characters
ID: unanet.password.character.number
Default: 0123456789
Description: Defines the number character set used when validating new passwords.
Allowed Special Characters
ID: unanet.password.character.special
Default: !@#$%~^&*()-=_+[]{}\\|;:'"<>,.?/`
Description: Defines the special character set used when validating new passwords.
Allowed Upper Case Characters
ID: unanet.password.character.uppercase
Description: Defines the upper case character set used when validating new passwords.
Default Person Import Option To Update Passwords
ID: unanet.person.import.update_password.default
Default: false
Description: This property controls the default value of the checkbox on the Person Import screen.

Setting the value to true indicates checked, false indicates not checked.
Password Reset
Enable Password Reset
ID: unanet.password_reset.enabled
Default: false
Description: This property is used to enable the user self-service password reset feature. When enabled, a Forgot Password link will appear on the Unanet login screen that allows users to initiate a password reset.

This feature only works with the Unanet login module (not single sign-on). If you are using a Single Sign-on configuration that also includes the Unanet Login option, you will want to avoid enabling this feature.
Time-To-Live For Password Reset Request
ID: unanet.password_reset.time_to_live
Default: The default value for this property is 3,600,000 milliseconds (1 hour).
Description: The number of milliseconds, after creation, before a user's password reset request expires. This value should be sufficiently long enough for the user to complete the reset process, but also short enough to limit the actionable lifetime for a specific reset request. Once a password reset request expires, it can no longer be used to successfully complete the reset process.
Organization Access - Default To "All"
AP Poster - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.apPoster.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the AP Poster role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
AP User - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.apUser.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the AP User role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
AP Viewer - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.apViewer.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the AP Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
AR Poster - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.arPoster.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the AR Poster role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
AR User - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.arUser.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the AR User role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
AR Viewer - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.arViewer.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the AR Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Billing Manager - Project
ID: unanet.org_access.billingManager.project.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Billing Manager role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Billing Manager - Owning
ID: unanet.org_access.billingManager.owning.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Billing Manager role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Billing Viewer - Project
ID: unanet.org_access.billingViewer.project.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Billing Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Billing Viewer - Owning
ID: unanet.org_access.billingViewer.owning.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Billing Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Contact Manager - Contact
ID: unanet.org_access.contactManager.contact.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Contact Manager role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Contact Viewer - Contact
ID: unanet.org_access.contactViewer.contact.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Contact Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Document Manager - Document
ID: unanet.org_access.documentManager.document.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Document Manager role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Document Manager - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.documentManager.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Document Manager role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Document Viewer - Document
ID: unanet.org_access.documentViewer.document.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Document Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Document Viewer - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.documentViewer.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Document Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
GL Budget Manager - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.glBudgetManager.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the GL Budget Manager role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
GL Poster - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.glPoster.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the GL Poster role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
GL User - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.glUser.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the GL User role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
GL Viewer - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.glViewer.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the GL Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
HRAdmin - People
ID: unanet.org_access.HRAdministrator.people.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the HRAdministrator role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Manager - People
ID: unanet.org_access.manager.people.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Manager role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Project Document Viewer - Project
ID: unanet.org_access.projectDocumentViewer.project.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Project Document Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Project Document Viewer - Owning
ID: unanet.org_access.projectDocumentViewer.owning.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Project Document Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Project Manager - Project
ID: unanet.org_access.projectManager.project.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Project Manager role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Project Manager - Owning
ID: unanet.org_access.projectManager.owning.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Project Manager role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Project PO Viewer - Project
ID: unanet.org_access.projectPOViewer.project.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Project PO Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Project PO Viewer - Owning
ID: unanet.org_access.projectPOViewer.owning.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Project PO Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Project PR Viewer - Project
ID: unanet.org_access.projectPRViewer.project.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Project PR Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Project PR Viewer - Owning
ID: unanet.org_access.projectPRViewer.owning.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Project PR Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Project Viewer - Project
ID: unanet.org_access.projectViewer.project.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Project Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Project Viewer - Owning
ID: unanet.org_access.projectViewer.owning.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Project Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Purchase Order Assigner - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.purchaseOrderAssigner.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Purchase Order Assigner role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Purchase Order Assigner - People
ID: unanet.org_access.purchaseOrderAssigner.people.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Purchase Order Assigner role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Purchase Order Viewer - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.purchaseOrderViewer.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Purchase Order Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Purchase Requestor - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.purchaseRequestor.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Purchase Requestor role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Purchase Requestor - People
ID: unanet.org_access.purchaseRequestor.people.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Purchase Requestor role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Purchase Requisition Viewer - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.purchaseRequisitionViewer.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Purchase Requisition Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Purchase Requisition Viewer - People
ID: unanet.org_access.purchaseRequisitionViewer.people.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Purchase Requisition Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Purchaser - Financial
ID: unanet.org_access.purchaser.financial.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Purchaser role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Resource Planner - People
ID: unanet.org_access.resourcePlanner.people.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Resource Planner role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Resource Planner - Project
ID: unanet.org_access.resourcePlanner.project.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Resource Planner role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Resource Planner - Owning
ID: unanet.org_access.resourcePlanner.owning.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Resource Planner role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Resource Assigner - People
ID: unanet.org_access.resourceAssigner.people.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Resource Assigner role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Resource Assigner - Project
ID: unanet.org_access.resourceAssigner.project.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Resource Assigner role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Resource Assigner - Owning
ID: unanet.org_access.resourceAssigner.owning.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Resource Assigner role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Resource Requestor - Project
ID: unanet.org_access.resourceRequestor.project.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Resource Requestor role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Resource Requestor - Owning
ID: unanet.org_access.resourceRequestor.owning.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Resource Requestor role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Viewer - People
ID: unanet.org_access.viewer.people.default_to_all
Default: false
Description: When adding the Viewer role to a user, this property will determine whether the user's default organization access association should be set to All or None. This is simply the default value used when initially defining the organization access. The administrator can subsequently modify the association.

If your installation is small and you have an open environment, you may want to set this value to true, such that as new users are added to the system, they will have greater visibility. If, on the other hand, you have a large installation and you would like to prevent users from automatically having visibility across all users’ data, you may want to set this property to false (and explicitly manage which organizations this user will have access to).
Approval Process
Require Approvers To View Details
ID: unanet.approve.force_view
Default: false
Description: Setting this to true, forces an approver to view the document before being able to approve it.

Setting to false, allows all approvers to approve from the approval queue list screen, without having to view the details.

Note that this property does not govern Leave Request approvals. That is, you will always see the approval icons in the Leave Request section of the approval queue screen regardless of the value of this property.
Manager Time Approval Preview Stored Procedure
ID: unatime.manager.approval.preview.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called when managers preview a timesheet during approval. The stored procedure can be used to display customer specific messages in a timesheet view. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on time save, submit or approval.
Allow Self Approvals
ID: unanet.approve.self
Default: true
Description: This property is intended to be used to prevent users from approving their own timesheets, leave requests, expense reports or expense requests. Setting this to true, allows users to submit items to approval groups in which they are also an approver.

When set to false, the Approval Group screens will prevent any new updates that would result in a user belonging to a Time and, Expense approval group as a submitter in which they are also an approver

This property will also result in a validation on submittal of Time and Expense documents that will prevent the submittal if the submitter is also an approver in their Time and Expense approval group.

Finally, this property will also influence the displayed entries in Time and Expense approval queue to suppress your own entries in the event you may attempt to approve your own items as a primary or alternate approver.

Note: This property applies to Time and Expense approvals only. It is not applicable to any other Manager approval types. It also does not apply to the Project Approver, Customer or Receiver/Approver approval processes.
Require Approvals
ID: unatime.approval.required
Default: false
Description: When true, the system requires that every Timesheet go through the approval process (with at least one valid Manager in an approval group) before it is set to COMPLETED.

If the parameter is set to false, then it would be possible for a timesheet to not require any Manager approval (e.g. you could have an empty approval group -- or no approval group at all).

When this property is set to true, it will be considered during a person import and on the Admin - Person maintenance screen, requiring an approval group be populated when adding new users. Also, it will be considered at the point of a timesheet submit, and will prevent the submittal if an approval group with one approver is not in place for this user.

This property does not impact the Project or Customer approval processes at all.
Leave Request
ID: approval_process.require.approval.leave
Default: false
Description: When true, the system requires that every Leave Request go through the approval process (with at least one valid Manager in an approval group) before it is set to COMPLETED.

If the parameter is set to false, then it would be possible for a Leave Request to not require any Manager approval (e.g. you could have an empty approval group -- or no approval group at all).

When this property is set to true, it will be considered during a person import and on the Admin - Person maintenance screen, requiring an approval group be populated when adding new users. Also, it will be considered at the point of a Leave Request submit, and will prevent the submittal if an approval group with one approver is not in place for this user.

This property does not impact the Project or Customer approval processes at all.
Expense Report
ID: unasense.approval.required
Default: true
Description: When true, the system requires that every Expense Report go through the approval process (with at least one active Manager in an approval group) before it is set to COMPLETED.

If the parameter is set to false, then it would be possible for an expense report to not require any Manager approval (e.g. you could have an empty approval group -- or no approval group at all).

When this property is set to true, it will be considered during a person import and on the Admin - Person maintenance screen, requiring an approval group be populated when adding new users. Also, it will be considered at the point of an expense report submit, and will prevent the submittal if an approval group with one approver is not in place for this user.

This property does not impact the Project or Customer approval process at all.
Expense Request
ID: approval_process.require.approval.expense_request
Default: true
Description: When true, the system requires that every Expense Request go through the approval process (with at least one active Manager in an approval group) before it is set to COMPLETED.

If the parameter is set to false, then it would be possible for an expense Request to not require any Manager approval (e.g. you could have an empty approval group -- or no approval group at all).

When this property is set to true, it will be considered during a person import and on the Admin - Person maintenance screen, requiring an approval group be populated when adding new users. Also, it will be considered at the point of an expense Request submit, and will prevent the submittal if an approval group with one approver is not in place for this user.

This property does not impact the Project or Customer approval process at all.
Purchase Requisition
ID: approval_process.require.approval.purchase_requisition
Default: true
Description: When true, the system requires that every Purchase Requisition go through the approval process (with at least one active Manager in an approval group) before it is set to OPEN or APPROVED.

If the parameter is set to false, then it would be possible for a Purchase Requisition to not require any Manager approval (e.g. you could have an empty approval group -- or no approval group at all).

When this property is set to true, it will be considered during a person import and on the Admin - Person maintenance screen, requiring an approval group be populated when adding new users. Also, it will be considered at the point of a Purchase Requisition submit, and will prevent the submittal if an approval group with one approver is not in place for this user.

This property does not impact the Project or Customer approval process at all.
Purchase Order
ID: approval_process.require.approval.purchase_order
Default: true
Description: When true, the system requires that every Purchase Order go through the approval process (with at least one active Manager in an approval group) before it is set to OPEN or APPROVED.

If the parameter is set to false, then it would be possible for a Purchase Order to not require any Manager approval (e.g. you could have an empty approval group -- or no approval group at all).

When this property is set to true, it will be considered during a person import and on the Admin - Person maintenance screen, requiring an approval group be populated when adding new users. Also, it will be considered at the point of a Purchase Order submit, and will prevent the submittal if an approval group with one approver is not in place for this user.

This property does not impact the Project or Customer approval process at all.
Vendor Invoice
ID: approval_process.require.approval.vendor_invoice
Default: Disabled Approvals
Description: This property controls whether the system will require that every Vendor Invoice will go through the approval process (with at least one active Manager in an approval group) before it is set to APPROVED.

The options available include:
  • Requires Approval Always - when set to this value, the user will be required to select an approval group containing at least one approver to successfully submit a Vendor Invoice.
  • Conditionally Requires Approvals - when set to this value, the user will be required to select an approval group containing at least one approver to successfully submit a Vendor Invoice if any items in the Vendor Invoice are not matched to a PO. If all line items are matched to a PO, specifying an approval group is optional
  • Optional Approvals - when set to this value, the user will have the option of selecting an approval group when submitting a Vendor Invoice, but it is not required
  • Disabled Approvals - when set to this value, the user will not be prompted for an approval group and manager approvals will not be performed
This property does not impact the Project or Customer approval process at all.
Allow Project Approvers to View Entire Document
ID: unatime.pm_approval.view_all
Default: false
Description: Specifies whether a Project Approver can see all of a user's timesheet entries during time approval.

If true, Project Approvers can view all entries when approving the user's timesheet.

If false, Project Approvers can only view the line items related to the Project they are approving.
Enable Administrator Bulk Approval
ID: unatime.admin_bulk_approve.enable
Default: false
Description: This feature is intended to allow users having the Administrator role to bulk approve all timesheets for a time period that are currently in the SUBMITTED or APPROVING status (without having to assign themselves as an alternate approver, and manually approve many individual items).

When true, a new icon will optionally appear (when requested on the associated Search tab) on the Admin >> Setup >> Time Periods list screen that will facilitate the bulk approval.

This feature will not operate on any MISSING, INUSE or DISAPPROVED timesheets (nor will it touch any timesheets that are already COMPLETED, LOCKED or EXTRACTED). It will also not effect any timesheets having any pending end user adjustments.

If false, the additional Approve icon will not appear on the Time Period screen.

Note: If your intention is to remain DCAA compliant and you would like to utilize this feature, you may want to enable the various Review properties.
Enable Dynamic Approval Sequence
Expense Report
ID: unasense.approval.authority.report
Default: false
Description: The standard Approval Sequence requires each Manager in the Approval Group to approve an expense report. With the Dynamic Approval Sequence enabled, you can skip higher level managers if an earlier manager has a high enough expense authorization level (which is set on the Person Profile screen).

If true, this will activate the Dynamic Approval Sequence functionality.

If false, then every expense report will need to be approved by every manager in the expense approval group.
Expense Request
ID: unasense.approval.authority.request
Default: false
Description: The standard Approval Sequence requires each Manager in the Approval Group to approve an expense request. With the Dynamic Approval Sequence enabled, you can skip higher level managers if an earlier manager has a high enough expense authorization level (which is set on the Person Profile screen).

If true, this will activate the Dynamic Approval Sequence functionality.

If false, then every expense request will need to be approved by every manager in the expense approval group.
Purchase Requisition
ID: approval_process.dynamic.approval.sequence.purchase_requisition
Default: false
Description: The standard Approval Sequence requires each Manager in the Approval Group to approve a purchase requisition. With the Dynamic Approval Sequence enabled, you can skip higher level managers if an earlier manager has a high enough purchase requisition authorization level (which is set on the Person Profile screen).

If true, this will activate the Dynamic Approval Sequence functionality.

If false, then every purchase requisition will need to be approved by every manager in the purchase requisition approval group.
Purchase Order
ID: approval_process.dynamic.approval.sequence.purchase_order
Default: false
Description: The standard Approval Sequence requires each Manager in the Approval Group to approve a purchase order. With the Dynamic Approval Sequence enabled, you can skip higher level managers if an earlier manager has a high enough purchase order authorization level (which is set on the Person Profile screen).

If true, this will activate the Dynamic Approval Sequence functionality.

If false, then every purchase order will need to be approved by every manager in the purchase order approval group.
Vendor Invoice
ID: approval_process.dynamic.approval.sequence.vendor_invoice
Default: false
Description: The standard Approval Sequence requires each Manager in the Approval Group to approve a vendor invoice. With the Dynamic Approval Sequence enabled, you can skip higher level managers if an earlier manager has a high enough vendor invoice authorization level (which is set on the Person Profile screen).

If true, this will activate the Dynamic Approval Sequence functionality.

If false, then every vendor invoices will need to be approved by every manager in the vendor invoice approval group.
Skip Zero Approver
Expense Request
ID: unasense.approval.authority.request.skip_zero_approver
Default: false
Description: When set to true, Expense Requests will not require approval by any managers in an approval group that have a zero value in their Approval Authority Amount field (which is defined in their person profile). This property does not have any effect on project approvals (only manager / people approvals). No entry will be added to the approval history, that is, these approvers will simply be ignored when it comes to approving expense requests.

This may be useful if you have configured your approval groups with a financial user as the final approver (for the purposes of confirming receipts, etc.), yet you do not care to involve that same user with any expense request processing.

Note that in the event the zero approver is the only approver listed in the approval group they will still be required to approve the expense request.

Note that this property only applies to expense requests (and not expense reports).

Note that this property is ignored if the unasense.approval.authority.request property is disabled.
Allow Customers to View Approval History
Expense Report
ID: unasense.customer.view_approval_history
Default: false
Description: Allows Customer Approvers to view Expense Report approval history during the approval process.

If true, Approval History section appears in the expense report preview screen.
Allow Customers to View Attachments
Expense Report
ID: unasense.customer.view_attachments
Default: false
Description: Allows Customer Approvers to view Expense Report attachments during the approval process.

If true, Attachment section appears in the expense report preview screen.

Purchase Requisition
ID: approval_process.customer.view.attachments.purchase_requisition
Default: false
Description: Allows Customer Approvers to view Purchase Requisition attachments during the approval process.

If true, Attachment section appears in the purchase requisition preview screen.

Purchase Order
ID: approval_process.customer.view.attachments.purchase_order
Default: false
Description: Allows Customer Approvers to view Purchase Order attachments during the approval process.

If true, Attachment section appears in the purchase order preview screen.

Vendor Invoice
ID: approval_process.customer.view.attachments.vendor_invoice
Default: false
Description: Allows Customer Approvers to view Vendor Invoice attachments during the approval process.

If true, Attachment section appears in the vendor invoice preview screen.

Require User Review
ID: unatime.user.review.required
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post submittal user review feature.

If this value is set to true, Timesheet Users will have the ability to insert an entry into the Timesheet Approval History table, for a particular timesheet, indicating that they have reviewed the timesheet in the event it was submitted by another user on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Expense Report
ID: unasense.user.review.required
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post submittal user review feature.

If this value is set to true, Expense Users will have the ability to insert an entry into the Expense Approval History table, for a particular expense report, indicating that they have reviewed the expense report in the event it was submitted by another user on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Require Manager Review
ID: unatime.manager.review.required
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval manager review feature.

If this value is set to true, Managers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Timesheet Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the timesheet in the event it was approved by another Manager on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Expense Report
ID: unasense.manager.review.required
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval manager review feature.

If this value is set to true, Managers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Expense Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the expense report in the event it was approved by another Manager on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Purchase Requisition
ID: approval_process.manager.review.purchase_requisition
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval Manager review feature.

If this value is set to true, Purchasing Managers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Purchase Requisition Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the purchase request in the event it was approved by another Purchasing Manager on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Purchase Order
ID: approval_process.manager.review.purchase_order
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval Manager review feature.

If this value is set to true, Purchasing Managers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Purchase Order Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the purchase order in the event it was approved by another Purchasing Manager on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Vendor Invoice
ID: approval_process.manager.review.vendor_invoice
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval manager review feature.

If this value is set to true, AP Managers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Vendor Invoice Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the vendor invoice in the event it was approved by another AP Manager on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Require Project Approver Review
ID: unatime.pm.review.required
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval project approver review feature.

If this value is set to true, Project Approvers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Timesheet Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the timesheet in the event it was approved by another Project Approver on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Expense Report
ID: unasense.pm.review.required
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval project approver review feature.

If this value is set to true, Project Approvers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Expense Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the expense report in the event it was approved by another Project Approver on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Purchase Requisition
ID: approval_process.project_approver.review.purchase_requisition
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval project approver review feature.

If this value is set to true, Project Approvers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Purchase Request Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the purchase requisition in the event it was approved by another Project Approver on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Purchase Order
ID: approval_process.project_approver.review.purchase_order
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval project approver review feature.

If this value is set to true, Project Approvers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Purchase Order Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the purchase order in the event it was approved by another Project Approver on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Vendor Invoice
ID: approval_process.project_approver.review.vendor_invoice
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval project approver review feature.

If this value is set to true, Project Approvers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Vendor Invoice Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the vendor invoice in the event it was approved by another Project Approver on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Require Customer Review
ID: unatime.customer.review.required
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval customer review feature.

If this value is set to true, Customers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Timesheet Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the timesheet in the event it was approved by another Customer on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Expense Report
ID: unasense.customer.review.required
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval customer review feature.

If this value is set to true, Customers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Expense Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the expense report in the event it was approved by another Customer on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Purchase Requisition
ID: approval_process.customer.review.purchase_requisition
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval customer review feature.

If this value is set to true, Customers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Purchase Request Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the purchase request in the event it was approved by another Customer on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Purchase Order
ID: approval_process.customer.review.purchase_order
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval customer review feature.

If this value is set to true, Customers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Purchase Order Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the purchase order in the event it was approved by another Customer on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Vendor Invoice
ID: approval_process.customer.review.vendor_invoice
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval customer review feature.

If this value is set to true, Customers will have the ability to insert an entry into the Vendor Invoice Approval History table indicating that they have reviewed the vendor invoice in the event it was approved by another Customer on their behalf.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Require Administrator Review
ID: unatime.administrator.review.required
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval manager / project / customer approver review feature resulting from an Administrator conducting an approval via the People or Project approval queues.

When true, any Approvals satisfied by an alternate approver who also has the Administrator role, will result in an entry into the Timesheet Approval History table, indicating that an Administrator performed the approval on someone else's behalf and thus the primary Approver must subsequently indicate the timesheet has been reviewed.

This property may be useful if in your situation, Alternates are considered authorized substitute approvers (not requiring subsequent Review by the primary approvers, and thus you would not enable the unatime.manager.review.required, unatime.pm.review.required or unatime.customer.review.required properties) yet you would still like to have the primary approvers review if the user approving the timesheets has an Administrator role.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Require Bulk Approval Review
ID: unatime.bulk_approvals.review.required
Default: false
Description: The value of this property enables or disables the post approval review feature for those approvals satisfied by the bulk approval mechanism (which must be enabled via the unatime.admin_bulk_approve.enable property).

When true, any Approvals satisfied by an Administrator executing approvals via the Bulk Approval mechanism, will result in an entry into the Timesheet Approval History table, for a particular timesheet, indicating that an Administrator performed the approval on someone else's behalf and the primary Approver must subsequently review the timesheet.

See the Alternate Review Process for more information.
Allow Admins To Edit
ID: unatime.admin.edit
Default: false
Description: Allows Unanet Administrators, HR Administrators, and P&R Administrators to edit and submit Timesheets on behalf of other users.

If true, an additional Edit icon is available on the Administrator's list of timesheets screen for a particular user.

Note: This property will also govern whether an Administrator can create, edit and submit end user adjustments for a user (whether or not the end user adjustment feature is enabled).
Expense Report
ID: unasense.expense.admin.edit
Default: false
Description: Allows Unanet Administrators, HR Administrators, and P&R Administrators to edit and submit Expense Reports on behalf of other users.

If true, an additional Edit button is available on the Administrator's list of expense reports screen.
Expense Request
ID: approval_process.admin.can_edit.expense_request
Default: false
Description: Allows Unanet Administrators, HR Administrators, and P&R Administrators to edit and submit Expense Requests on behalf of other users.

If true, an additional Edit button is available on the Administrator's list of expense request screen.
Allow Managers To Edit
ID: unatime.manager.edit
Default: true
Description: Allows Unanet Managers to edit and submit Timesheets on behalf of other users.

If true, an additional Edit icon is available on the user's timesheet preview screen.

Note: This property will also govern whether a Manager can create, edit and submit end user adjustments for a user.
Expense Report
ID: unasense.expense.manager.edit
Default: false
Description: Allows Unanet Managers to edit and submit Expense Reports on behalf of other users.

If true, an additional Edit icon is available on the user's expense report preview screen.
Expense Request
ID: approval_process.manager.can_edit.expense_request
Default: false
Description: Allows Unanet Managers to edit and submit Expense Requests on behalf of other users.

If true, an additional Edit icon is available on the user's expense request preview screen.
Set Timesheets To LOCKED Upon Completion
ID: unatime.autolock
Default: false
Description: If true, then timesheets are automatically set to a status of LOCKED immediately after reaching a status of COMPLETED. COMPLETED timesheets may be pulled back for additional editing while those timesheets in the LOCKED status can no longer be modified. In addition to the COMPLETED entry, the timesheet approval history section will also reflect a separate LOCKED entry.
Set Leave Requests To LOCKED Upon Completion
ID: unatime.leave_request.autolock
Default: false
Description: If true, then leave requests are automatically set to a status of LOCKED immediately after reaching a status of COMPLETED. COMPLETED leave requests may be pulled back for additional editing while those leave requests in the LOCKED status can no longer be modified. In addition to the COMPLETED entry, the leave request approval history section will also reflect a separate LOCKED entry.
Default Work Hours
ID: unatime.default.work.hours
Default: 8
Description: The value supplied to this property is used in conjunction with the Holiday timesheet pre-population logic. By default, when a holiday is pre-populated on a user's timesheet, 8 hours will be stored in that field. Using this property, you can override the default number of hours (for all users).

This property can be overridden by the unatime.holiday.hours_from_business_week property.
Example: 7.5
Holiday Hours from Business Week
ID: unatime.holiday.hours_from_business_week
Default: false
Description: When enabled, the Holiday pre-population logic will use each user's Business Week hours rather than a system wide value supplied by the unatime.default.work.hours property (that is, this property will override the unatime.default.work.hours property).
Enable Leave Requests
ID: unatime.leave_request.enabled
Default: true
Description: If true, then users will be able to create Leave Requests for manager approval.

If false, leave requests will be disabled and will not be displayed.
Leave Balance Quick Reports Include Projected Accruals
ID: unatime.quick_reports.leave_balance.accrued_budgets
Default: false
Description: If true, then the budgeted hours presented in the report for any user who participates in the Leave Time (PTO) accruals will be calculated as a sum of accrued hours and projected accruals for the reporting date range.

If false, the budgeted hours for an accrual plan will not include accrual projections.

The value of this property has no effect on the budgeted hours for assignments not associated with accrual plans.
Allow Budget to be Exceeded
ID: unanet.default.allow_budget_to_exceed
Default: false
Description: This property will control whether the "Allow Budget to be Exceeded" option is checked by default when adding a new assignment via the Assignment add screens, all grid/matrix Assigners, Assign Plans screen, and also impacts the Assignment import.
Accrual Hire Date Cap (post first, then cap)
ID: unatime.accruals.hire_date_cap.post_first
Default: true
Description: This property refers to the Hire Date Annual Cap Type. If checked, then the logic will be to post the accrual hours first and then apply the hard cap. If not checked, then the reverse will happen - perform the hard cap and then apply the post logic.
Time Periods
Allow Custom Time Periods
ID: unatime.allow_custom_time_periods
Default: false
Description: When set to true, a new 'Add Time Period' option will become available for Administrators on the Admin >> Setup >> Time Periods screen. This feature allows for the creation of customized time periods. This would include shortening a time period, lengthening a time period or creating additional new time periods.

This may be useful if, for example, you desire to end a fiscal or calendar year in what would normally be the middle of a regular time period. This feature could allow you to customize your time periods to meet this need.
Sort Time Period Drop-Downs by Type
ID: unatime.time_period_criteria.sort_by_type
Default: true
Description: If this parameter is set to true, entries in the Time Period drop down selection criteria on various reports, chart and export screens will be sorted first by the time period type and secondarily by the time period dates.

When set to false, the values in the drop down lists will be sorted initially by time period date and then by time period type.

In either case, the display of the time periods remains time period type followed by time period date regardless of sorting preference. This may be useful if you employ the use of several different time periods within your system and would like to see all of the current period options sorted together in this list.
Max Time Periods on Daily Actuals Report
ID: unatime.daily_actuals.num_time_periods
Default: 15
Description: Defines the maximum number of Time Periods that can be selected on the Daily Actuals Report.
Dilution Settings
Cost Dilution Method
ID: unatime.cost.dilution.class
Default: false
Description: This parameter shows which Dilution style you are using. Note that this property enables both cost rate and hours dilution functionality.

Unanet currently has three styles of Dilution:
  • Style0
  • Style1
  • Style2
Use Business Week Hours For Dilution
ID: unatime.dilution_hours_from_business_week
Default: false
Description: When set to false, the dilution calculations will be initialized from the Hours in Period field from the Time Period associated with each user. This property allows for an override of that initialization to instead use the hours as defined in each users associated Business Week definition.

IMPORTANT WARNING: This property is typically used with Weekly, Weekly-Overlap or Every Two Weeks Overlap time periods -- and should probably NOT be used if your installation utilizes the Semi-Monthly or Monthly time period types.

The reason for this limitation is related to the fact that Semi-Monthly and Monthly time periods may have a varying number of business days occurring on any given calendar month and thus the actual number of hours in period will fluctuate. This would result in a need to have a different effective hourly cost rate from period to period, which the current process does not yet support.
Set Dilution Business Hours in Period from Dilution Hours
ID: unatime.cost.dilution.business_hours_from_dilution_hours
Default: false
Description: When set to false, the Dilution Business Hours in Period will be determined using the hours as defined in each user's associated Business Week definition. This property allows for an override of that initialization to instead use the same hours as determined by Dilution for Hours in Period.

IMPORTANT WARNING: Setting this property to true during migrations is intended to preserve legacy dilution behavior. This property would typically only be used with systems using semi-monthly or monthly timesheets in order for proration of cost to apply when charging Leave Without Pay.
Status Report - Out Of Hours - Source
ID: unatime.ts_status_rpt.exempt_users.hours_from_dilution
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether the Out of Hours column on the Timesheet Status Report will default to Business Week Hours or attempt to supply the hours from each user's timesheet-specific record. When set to true, the timesheet dilution hours will be used (unless a timesheet is missing in which case the business week hours will be used).

This setting is only applicable to those customers having the dilution functionality enabled.
Use Plan Cost Rates for Dilution
ID: unatime.cost.dilution.use_plan_rates
Default: false
Description: When dilution is enabled, the default behavior is to ignore the cost rate overrides at the assignment and plan levels (for the salaried users that are impacted by the dilution calculations), and instead always use the user's person profile cost rate information. When this property is enabled, the reports that operate on planning data will use the cost rate overrides entered directly in the plan as well as labor category rates even though dilution is enabled.

This property has no effect when dilution is not enabled, as the plan level rate overrides are already considered in that case.
Pre-Dilution Stored Procedure
ID: unatime.pre_dilution.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called prior to the dilution of a timesheet. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific operations prior to dilution calculations.
Post-Dilution Stored Procedure
ID: unatime.dilution.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called after the dilution of a timesheet. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific operations after dilution calculations.
Weekly or Every Two Weeks Overlap Settings
Align Rates To Time Period For Weekly or Every Two Weeks Overlap
ID: unatime.weekly_overlap.rate_align
Default: false
Description: When set to true, the system will use the rate from the day before (eg Thursday) when rating entries that fall on an overlap day (and that day is the last day of a timesheet).

The intention is to avoid a situation where a rate change that occurs on an overlap day (e.g. a Friday) is applied to all entries for that day. Instead, when this property is enabled, the new rate will only apply to the timesheet entries for that day that are associated with next weeks timesheet (the timesheet that begins on that day). The timesheet that ends on that overlap day, will get its rating information from the previous day.
Prevent Posting On Weekly or Every Two Weeks Overlap Day
ID: unatime.prevent_post_on_weekly_overlap
Default: false
Description: When enabled, adjustment post dates will be bumped one day forward if the time period being adjusted is a Weekly or Every Two Weeks overlap and the provided post date falls on an overlap day (e.g. Friday will be bumped to Saturday).

This is intended to address a possible issue with reporting and exporting data to avoid ambiguity associated with a subsequent attempt to run a report to pull time based on post date which could return two time periods worth of data if the post date intersected with two time periods (as it would if the post date fell on an overlap day).
Preview Logos
Image Alt Text
ID: unatime.preview.logo.alt
Default: Blank
Description: Note: This property is deprecated. To configure logo images for timesheet preview screens, please use the
Admin >> Setup >> Miscellaneous >> Images screen.

This property value must be removed / blank in order to configure the images via the Images screen.

This property can be used to display a custom image in place of the standard Time icon on the timesheet preview screens. This includes the user's view of the preview, manager and project manager views during approvals, etc.

This property specifies the text that will be displayed if a user hovers over the image.

Note: This property MUST be used in conjunction with the unatime.preview.logo.src property.
Image Source
ID: unatime.preview.logo.src
Default: Blank
Description: Note: This property is deprecated. To configure logo images for timesheet preview screens, please use the
Admin >> Setup >> Miscellaneous >> Images screen.

This property value must be removed / blank in order to configure the images via the Images screen.

This property can be used to display a custom image in place of the standard Time icon on the timesheet preview screens. This includes the user's view of the preview, manager and project manager views during approvals, etc.

This property specifies the location of the image file.

Note: This property MUST be used in conjunction with the unatime.preview.logo.alt property.
Image URL
ID: unatime.preview.logo.url
Default: Blank
Description: Note: This property is deprecated. To configure logo images for timesheet preview screens, please use the
Admin >> Setup >> Miscellaneous >> Images screen.

This property value must be removed / blank in order to configure the images via the Images screen.

This property can be used to display a custom image in place of the standard Time icon on the timesheet preview screens. This includes the user's view of the preview, manager and project manager views during approvals, etc.

This property specifies a location the alternate image links to.

This property is optional.
Display Options
Show Payroll Information Option On Person Profile
ID: unatime.payroll_info.enable
Default: false
Description: This property can be used to enable the display of the Payroll Info menu on the Admin People Profile screen.

If true, the screen will be available.

The payroll info feature is not currently utilized within the Unanet product suite.
Show Project Title On Timesheet
ID: unatime.timesheet.project.title.display
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether the Project Title will be appended to the end of the Project Code in the editable and preview versions of the timesheet, as well as on the My Projects >> List tab results.

If this value is set to false, the Project Title will not display.

This may be useful if your Project Codes are cryptic and thus displaying the additional Project Title may help Timesheet Users and Approvers confirm they are charging to the appropriate project.
Show Project Title Hover Text On Timesheet Edit
ID: unatime.timesheet.project.title.hover
Default: true
Description: The value of this property controls whether Project Information (Project Organization and Project Code) will appear when a user's mouse pointer "hovers" over certain fields on the editable timesheet (including the hours fields).

Note: if the unatime.timesheet.project.title.display property is enabled, the hover text will also include the project title.
Show Classification On Timesheet Preview
ID: unatime.timesheet.classification.display
Default: true
Description: The value of this property controls the appearance of the user's classification on the preview versions of the timesheet.

If true, the user's classification will be displayed after the user's name in the top left corner of the timesheet.

If false, the classification will not be shown.
Show Organization On Timesheet
ID: unatime.timesheet.org.display
Default: true
Description: The value of this property controls whether the Project Organization Code will precede the Project Code in the editable and preview versions of the timesheet and on the My Projects screen. This will only control the display of this field on the timesheet edit screen.

If this value is set to false, the Project Organization code will not display.

This may be useful if your Project Codes are unique across projects and you wish to conserve field width.
Hide Comments On Timesheet Edit
ID: unatime.timesheet.hide.comments
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the Comments field will appear on the timesheet. If the property is set to true the field will not appear. This will only control the display of this field on the timesheet edit screen.
Hide Labor Category On Timesheet Edit
ID: unatime.timesheet.hide.labor_category
Default: true
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the Labor Category field will appear on the timesheet.

If the property is set to true the column will not appear. This will only control the display of this field on the timesheet edit screen.

Note: When changing this value from false to true (e.g. you no longer want to display the labor category on the timesheet), Unanet strongly suggests that you coordinate this change immediately after a time period close AND suggests that you do so after having extracted all previous time period time data). Following this suggestion will help avoid possible data conflict issues that may occur if users have created identical timesheet rows, differentiated only by labor category, prior to hiding the labor category field. While these issues can be resolved, following this suggestion will allow you to avoid them in the first place.
Hide Location On Timesheet Edit
ID: unatime.timesheet.hide.location
Default: true
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the Location field will appear on the timesheet.

If the property is set to true the column will not appear. This will only control the display of this field on the timesheet edit screen.

Note: When changing this value from false to true (e.g. you no longer want to display the location on the timesheet), Unanet strongly suggests that you coordinate this change immediately after a time period close AND suggests that you do so after having extracted all previous time period time data). Following this suggestion will help avoid possible data conflict issues that may occur if users have created identical timesheet rows, differentiated only by location, prior to hiding the location field. While these issues can be resolved, following this suggestion will allow you to avoid them in the first place.
Hide Pay Code On Timesheet Edit
ID: unatime.timesheet.hide.pay_code
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the Pay Code column will appear on the timesheet.

If the property is set to true the column will not appear. This will only control the display of this field on the timesheet edit screen.

When hidden, the standard system pay code defaulting logic will determine what pay code to assign to the timesheet record.
Hide Project Type On Timesheet Edit
ID: unatime.timesheet.hide.project_type
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the Project Type column will appear on the timesheet.

If the property is set to true the column will not appear. This will only control the display of this field on the timesheet edit screen.

When hidden, the default project type value (as defined on the project or task profile) will be the supplied value.
Hide Task On Timesheet Edit
ID: unatime.timesheet.hide.task
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the Task column will appear on the timesheet.

If the property is set to true the column will not appear. This will only control the display of this field on the timesheet edit screen.

Whether a task is required is configurable on a project by project basis. It is assumed that you would not hide the task column if you also required tasks. However, if you do configure a project to require tasks and you use this property, the system will supply the first task in the task list as the value.
Display Task List on Project Popup
ID: unatime.project_popup.display_tasks
Default: false
Description: When enabled, the project information popup on the timesheet (viewed when clicking the eyeglasses icon) will include a complete Task listing (for those projects that have tasks).

Note that this is a complete task list, regardless of the users assignments to specific tasks. Should the active timesheet row have a task specified in the drop down list, that task will be highlighted in the popup task listing.

When disabled, the project information popup will not include the task listing section.

Timesheet Preview Footer for Salaried Users
Timesheet Preview Footer for Hourly Users
Timesheet Preview Footer for Non-Employee Users
Timesheet Preview Footer for Non-Employee (PO) Users
Timesheet Edit Page Footer for Salaried Users
Timesheet Edit Page Footer for Hourly Users
Timesheet Edit Page Footer for Non-Employee Users
Timesheet Edit Page Footer for Non-Employee (PO) Users
Timesheet Submit Confirmation for Salaried Users
ID: timesheet.submit.confirm.exempt
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to include a customized confirmation dialog box when submitting a timesheet for salaried users. The confirmation dialog box will appear after the user hits submit where the user will be presented with a standard windows dialog popup dialog box containing the custom statement. The user will be required to hit OK to continue or Cancel to return to the editable timesheet thus aborting the submit process.

The value should be a simple text string of less than 4000 characters. The only formatting that is allowed is for forced line breaks. If you are editing the property using UI, a forced line break can be requested by pressing 'Enter' key. If you are using the properties file, a forced line break can be requested by entering an escaped new line; i.e., "\n".
Timesheet Submit Confirmation for Hourly Users
ID: timesheet.submit.confirm.nonexempt
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to include a customized confirmation dialog box when submitting a timesheet for hourly users. The confirmation dialog box will appear after the user hits submit where the user will be presented with a standard windows dialog popup dialog box containing the custom statement. The user will be required to hit OK to continue or Cancel to return to the editable timesheet thus aborting the submit process.

The value should be a simple text string of less than 4000 characters. The only formatting that is allowed is for forced line breaks. If you are editing the property using UI, a forced line break can be requested by pressing 'Enter' key. If you are using the properties file, a forced line break can be requested by entering an escaped new line; i.e., "\n".
Timesheet Submit Confirmation for Non-Employee Users
ID: timesheet.submit.confirm.nonemployee
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to include a customized confirmation dialog box when submitting a timesheet for non-employee users. The confirmation dialog box will appear after the user hits submit where the user will be presented with a standard windows dialog popup dialog box containing the custom statement. The user will be required to hit OK to continue or Cancel to return to the editable timesheet thus aborting the submit process.

The value should be a simple text string of less than 4000 characters. The only formatting that is allowed is for forced line breaks. If you are editing the property using UI, a forced line break can be requested by pressing 'Enter' key. If you are using the properties file, a forced line break can be requested by entering an escaped new line; i.e., "\n".
Timesheet Submit Confirmation for Non-Employee (PO) Users
ID: timesheet.submit.confirm.subcontractor
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to include a customized confirmation dialog box when submitting a timesheet for non-employee (PO) users. The confirmation dialog box will appear after the user hits submit where the user will be presented with a standard windows dialog popup dialog box containing the custom statement. The user will be required to hit OK to continue or Cancel to return to the editable timesheet thus aborting the submit process.

The value should be a simple text string of less than 4000 characters. The only formatting that is allowed is for forced line breaks. If you are editing the property using UI, a forced line break can be requested by pressing 'Enter' key. If you are using the properties file, a forced line break can be requested by entering an escaped new line; i.e., "\n".
Allow End Users To Delete Timesheets
ID: unatime.allow_timesheet_delete
Default: false
Description: When set to true, users are allowed to delete their own timesheets (those in the INUSE or DISAPPROVED status). Users are only allowed to delete timesheets which they have authority to edit.

When set to false, users can not delete timesheets.

This feature is overridden by and thus not available if you have the unatime.audit property set to true.

Also note that Administrators will always have the ability to remove a timesheet regardless of these property settings (so long as the unatime.admin.edit is true).
Validation Options
Enable Timesheet Audit Trail
ID: unatime.audit
Default: false
Description: When true, the system maintains an audit history of all changes made to a timesheet. Users are prompted to supply a change reason for all detected changes. The audit history is displayed on the Timesheet Preview.
Include Other Audit Trail Change Reason
ID: unatime.audit.allow_other_change_reason
Default: false
Description: When true, the timesheet change reason audit screen will contain an additional option of "Other". This will allow a user to either select a change reason from the list of pre-defined change reasons, or, by selecting the "Other" option in the drop down list, enter their own free form change reason text.

If this property is set to true, but no active change reasons are defined which have been designated as Allowed for Audit, the change reason drop down list will not display (that is, the users will simply key in their own free form change reason text).

When set to false, the "Other" option will not appear in the drop down list.

This functionality will apply when editing a timesheet that is not locked or extracted.

This property will have no effect unless timesheet change auditing has been enabled via the "Enable Timesheet Audit Trail" (unatime.audit) property.
Include Other Adjustment Change Reason
ID: unatime.adjustment.allow_other_change_reason
Default: false
Description: When true, the timesheet change reason adjustment screen will contain an additional option of "Other". This will allow a user to either select a change reason from the list of pre-defined change reasons, or, by selecting the "Other" option in the drop down list, enter their own free form change reason text.

If this property is set to true, but no active change reasons are defined which have been designated as Allowed for Adjustment, the change reason drop down list will not display (that is, the users will simply key in their own free form change reason text).

When set to false, the "Other" option will not appear in the drop down list.

This functionality will apply when editing a timesheet that is locked or extracted.
Enable ETC Collection On Timesheet
ID: unatime.etc_collection.enabled
Default: true
Description: This setting is used to control whether the enhanced ETC collection and viewing capability is enabled.

If true, timesheet users (and potentially, their Alternates) will have the ability to record their own ETC updates via the Time >> ETC menu option (for many Assignments) or via the eye glasses on the timesheet (for a particular Assignment). Further, the Task search tab and Project Schedule Details report will include additional ETC related options.

If false, only the Administrator and Resource Assigners will have the ability to update user ETC information (via the Project >> Assignments screens).
Enable End-User Adjustments
ID: unatime.end_user_adjustment.enable
Default: true
Description: This setting is used to control whether the End User Adjustment capability is enabled.

If true, timesheet users (and potentially, their Alternates, Managers and Administrators) will have the ability to initiate timesheet adjustments.

If false, only the Administrators will have the privilege to make timesheet adjustments (via either the Administrative adjustment screen or the end user adjustment feature).
Use Server Time When Determining Future Charges
ID: unatime.use_server_clock
Default: false
Description: All time stamps and time related logic in Unanet are relative to the server clock, with the exception of the timesheet validation related to the Project Profile >> Time Tab >> Allow Future Charges feature. This one exception will utilize each user's local PC clock to determine if they are attempting to enter time on a date greater than the current date.

This property allows you to override the default system behavior and instruct the system to use the server clock for this validation as well.

If it is set to true, the system time from the Unanet server is used, otherwise, the time from the client machine is used.
Save Stored Procedure
ID: unatime.save.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called after the save of a timesheet. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a timesheet, after the save. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on time saved via Time Import or Time Populate.
Include saver when calling Save Stored Procedure
ID: unatime.save.stored_procedure.include_saver
Default: false
Description: By default, the save stored procedure call does not include information as to who is saving the timesheet. Since this could be the owner, an alternate, a manager or an admin, it may be useful to pass this information to the stored procedure. In this way, the stored procedure can react to the saver and take different logical paths based on who is actually saving the timesheet.

Please note that you should NOT change this property if you currently use a timesheet save validation procedure without first modifying the procedure signature to match.
Submit Stored Procedure
ID: unatime.submit.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called prior to the submission of a timesheet. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a timesheet, prior to its submission for approval. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on time submitted via Time Import or Time Populate.
Include submitter when calling Submit Stored Procedure
ID: unatime.submit.stored_procedure.include_submitter
Default: false
Description: By default, the submit stored procedure call does not include information as to who is submitting the timesheet. Since this could be the owner, an alternate, a manager or an admin, it may be useful to pass this information to the stored procedure. In this way, the stored procedure can react to the submitter and take different logical paths based on who is actually submitting the timesheet.

Please note that you should NOT change this property if you currently use a timesheet submit validation procedure without first modifying the procedure signature to match.
Require Comments When Timesheet Submitted by Non-Owner
ID: unatime.req_non_owner_submit_comment
Default: false
Description: When true, a user who is not the timesheet owner will be required to enter a comment in the Timesheet Submit page. When false, Timesheet Submit by non-owners will not require comments.
Timesheet Preview Section Defaults
Manager My People View Defaults
ID: unatime.preview.expand./people/time/view
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which timesheet detail sections will be expanded by default when the timesheet is viewed in this particular area.

This setting relates to the Manager's view of a timesheet from the My People list.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • cell-details (for the Timesheet Cell Comments)
  • daily-details (for the Daily Time In/Out details)
  • audit-trail (for the Audit History)
  • pending-cell-adjustments (for the Pending Cell Adjustments )
  • completed-cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • pending-daily-adjustments (for the Pending Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • completed-daily-adjustments (for the Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • daily-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
Example: cell-details,history
Administrator Adjustment View Defaults
ID: unatime.preview.expand./people/time/view/adjust
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which timesheet detail sections will be expanded by default when the timesheet is viewed in this particular area.

This setting relates to the Administrator's view of a timesheet when performing an Administrative Adjustment.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • cell-details (for the Timesheet Cell Comments)
  • daily-details (for the Daily Time In/Out details)
  • audit-trail (for the Audit History)
  • pending-cell-adjustments (for the Pending Cell Adjustments )
  • completed-cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • pending-daily-adjustments (for the Pending Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • completed-daily-adjustments (for the Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • daily-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
Example: cell-adjustments
Manager Approval View Defaults
ID: unatime.preview.expand./people/time/view/approve
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which timesheet detail sections will be expanded by default when the timesheet is viewed in this particular area.

This setting relates to the Manager's view of a timesheet when Approving.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • cell-details (for the Timesheet Cell Comments)
  • daily-details (for the Daily Time In/Out details)
  • audit-trail (for the Audit History)
  • pending-cell-adjustments (for the Pending Cell Adjustments )
  • completed-cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • pending-daily-adjustments (for the Pending Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • completed-daily-adjustments (for the Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • daily-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
Example: cell-details,history
Manager Review View Defaults
ID: unatime.preview.expand./people/time/view/review
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which timesheet detail sections will be expanded by default when the timesheet is viewed in this particular area.

This setting relates to the Manager's view of a timesheet when Reviewing.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • cell-details (for the Timesheet Cell Comments)
  • daily-details (for the Daily Time In/Out details)
  • audit-trail (for the Audit History)
  • pending-cell-adjustments (for the Pending Cell Adjustments )
  • completed-cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • pending-daily-adjustments (for the Pending Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • completed-daily-adjustments (for the Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • daily-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
Example: cell-details,history
Project Approver / Customer Approval View Defaults
ID: unatime.preview.expand./projects/time/view/approve
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which timesheet detail sections will be expanded by default when the timesheet is viewed in this particular area.

This setting relates to the Project Approver or Customer view of a timesheet when Approving.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • cell-details (for the Timesheet Cell Comments)
  • daily-details (for the Daily Time In/Out details)
  • audit-trail (for the Audit History)
  • pending-cell-adjustments (for the Pending Cell Adjustments )
  • completed-cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • pending-daily-adjustments (for the Pending Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • completed-daily-adjustments (for the Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • daily-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
Example: cell-details,history
Project Approver / Customer Review View Defaults
ID: unatime.preview.expand./projects/time/view/review
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which timesheet detail sections will be expanded by default when the timesheet is viewed in this particular area.

This setting relates to the Project Approver or Customer view of a timesheet when Reviewing.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • cell-details (for the Timesheet Cell Comments)
  • daily-details (for the Daily Time In/Out details)
  • audit-trail (for the Audit History)
  • pending-cell-adjustments (for the Pending Cell Adjustments )
  • completed-cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • pending-daily-adjustments (for the Pending Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • completed-daily-adjustments (for the Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • daily-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
Example: cell-details,history
Timesheet Status Report View Defaults
ID: unatime.preview.expand./reports/people/status/time/report
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which timesheet detail sections will be expanded by default when the timesheet is viewed in this particular area.

This setting relates to the Administrator or Manager's view of a timesheet on the Timesheet Status Report.

Note that this property behaves slightly different from other unatime.preview.expand properties. When left blank (which ordinarily means collapse all sections), the Timesheet Status Report will expand which ever detail sections the user chooses to include. If, however, a non-blank entry is supplied, then this property is honored.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • cell-details (for the Timesheet Cell Comments)
  • daily-details (for the Daily Time In/Out details)
  • audit-trail (for the Audit History)
  • pending-cell-adjustments (for the Pending Cell Adjustments )
  • completed-cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • pending-daily-adjustments (for the Pending Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • completed-daily-adjustments (for the Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • daily-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
Example: cell-details,history
Timesheet Signature View Defaults
ID: unatime.preview.expand./time/signature
Default: cell-details
Description: This property can be used to control which timesheet detail sections will be expanded by default when the timesheet is viewed in this particular area.

Time/signature relates to the user's view of a timesheet when clicking on the Signature button.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • cell-details (for the Timesheet Cell Comments)
  • daily-details (for the Daily Time In/Out details)
  • audit-trail (for the Audit History)
  • pending-cell-adjustments (for the Pending Cell Adjustments )
  • completed-cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • pending-daily-adjustments (for the Pending Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • completed-daily-adjustments (for the Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • daily-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
Timesheet Preview Defaults
ID: unatime.preview.expand./time/view
Default: cell-details
Description: This property can be used to control which timesheet detail sections will be expanded by default when the timesheet is viewed in this particular area.

Time/View Relates to the user's view of a timesheet (while performing a preview).

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • cell-details (for the Timesheet Cell Comments)
  • daily-details (for the Daily Time In/Out details)
  • audit-trail (for the Audit History)
  • pending-cell-adjustments (for the Pending Cell Adjustments )
  • completed-cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • pending-daily-adjustments (for the Pending Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • completed-daily-adjustments (for the Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • daily-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
Timesheet Review Defaults
ID: unatime.preview.expand./time/view/review
Default: cell-details
Description: This property can be used to control which timesheet detail sections will be expanded by default when the timesheet is viewed in this particular area.

Time/View/Review Relates to the user's view of a timesheet (while performing a review).

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • cell-details (for the Timesheet Cell Comments)
  • daily-details (for the Daily Time In/Out details)
  • audit-trail (for the Audit History)
  • pending-cell-adjustments (for the Pending Cell Adjustments )
  • completed-cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • cell-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Cell Adjustments)
  • pending-daily-adjustments (for the Pending Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • completed-daily-adjustments (for the Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
  • daily-adjustments (expands both Pending and Completed Daily Time In/Out Adjustments)
Set Expense Reports To LOCKED Upon Completion
ID: unasense.autolock
Default: false
Description: If true, then expense reports are automatically set to a status of LOCKED immediately after reaching a status of COMPLETED. COMPLETED expense reports may be pulled back for additional editing while those expense reports in the LOCKED status can no longer be modified. In addition to the COMPLETED entry, the expense report approval history section will also reflect a separate LOCKED entry.
System Base Currency
ID: unasense.company.currency
Default: USD
Description: This property is used to define the base currency that your company uses. The currency symbol displayed next to monetary values will be determined by this property.

It is important that the Currency Code you create in the Currency Types page match exactly what you have entered for this parameter. If no match is found, the system will use USD by default, even if USD is not an option in your Currency Types page.

When changing this property, you may also be interested in modifying the unanet.locale property which further influences the formatting of dates, numbers, etc.
Require Post Date on Expense Extraction
ID: unasense.expense_extract.post_date.required
Default: false
Description: Setting this to true, forces the user to specify a post date when extracting the expense reports. Setting it to false, allows the user to extract without a post date.

This property governs only Expense Export.

NOTE: This property is useful when the system is configured to bill on expense report post date.
Credit Card Settings
Enable Credit Card Functionality
ID: unasense.creditcards.enable
Default: false
Description: This property can be used to enable the credit card functionality in Unanet.

Allow Administrators to Delete Imported Transactions
ID: unasense.creditcards.allow_imported_item_delete.admin
Default: true
Description: This property controls whether or not Administrators can delete Imported Credit card transactions.

When true, the delete icon will be available for Administrators.
Allow Users to Delete Imported Transactions
ID: unasense.creditcards.allow_imported_item_delete.user
Default: true
Description: This property controls whether or not Expense Users can delete Imported Credit card transactions.

When true, the delete icon will be available for Expense Users.
Purge Imported Transactions Older Than
ID: unasense.creditcards.import.purge_days
Default: 90 (days)
Description: This parameter is used to tell Unanet how long to keep imported credit card records (or transactions) in the holding table before they are automatically purged. This parameter accepts an integer value that represents the number of days to keep each record in the holding table, based on the system date on the webserver. The purge is run at the beginning of each import started by an Administrator.

NOTE: If the value entered for this parameter is equal to or less than zero (0), then the data in the holding table will NEVER be purged. If the value for this field is not a number, then it will be converted to zero.
Display Options
Show Project Org Code On Expense Report Edit
ID: unasense.expense.org.display
Default: true
Description: The value of this property controls whether the Project Organization Code will precede the Project Code in the editable and preview versions of the expense reports. This does not suppress the display of Org codes on any other screens.

If this value is set to false, the Project Organization code will not display.

This may be useful if your Project Codes are unique across projects and you wish to conserve field width.
Show Project Title On Expense Reports
ID: unasense.project.title.display
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether the Project Title will be appended to the end of the Project Code in the editable and preview versions as well as the Purpose page of the expense reports / requests.

If this value is set to false, the Project Title will not display.

This may be useful if your Project Codes are cryptic and thus displaying the additional Project Title may help Expense Users and Approvers confirm they are charging to the appropriate project.
Show Value Added Tax (VAT) Fields
ID: unasense.vat.enabled
Default: false
Description: If true, then several new columns appear on the Expense report that will facilitate the recording of VAT (value added tax) information.

If false, then the fields will not appear on the expense screens.
Hide Project Type On Expense Report Edit
ID: unasense.hide.project_type
Default: false
Description: The value of this property controls whether or not the Project Type column will appear on the expense report.

If the property is set to true the column will not appear. This will only control the display of this field on the expense report edit screen.

When hidden, the default project type value (as defined on the project or task profile) will be the supplied value.
Allow Expense Reports and Requests to be copied
ID: unasense.enable_copy
Default: true
Description: Enables the ability to create a new expense report (or request) by copying an existing expense report (or 'in progress' expense request). When enabled, a new set of copy buttons will appear on the preview version of the expense reports (and 'in progress' expense requests). Users that have permission to add an expense report on someone's behalf can create a new one for that user by copying one of that user's existing expense reports. Note, new expense reports/requests created using the copy feature will still belong to the originator of the expense being copied.

When disabled, the copy buttons are not displayed.

See copying expense reports for additional information.

If your site has been configured to suppress the display of the "Add Expense Report" or "Add Expense Request" links (via menu.xml overrides), the corresponding copy expense report or copy expense request buttons will also be hidden.
Allow Manager to Void Expense Reports
ID: unasense.expense.manager.void
Default: false
Description: Allow Unanet Managers to void Expense Reports of the users in their expense approval group. If the property is set to true, a new void button will appear on the My People – Expense List for Managers.

If the property is set to false, the void button will appear only to users having Administrator role or P&R Administrator role or HR Administrator role
Validation Options
Require Location On Expense Reports
ID: unasense.location.required
Default: false
Description: This property can be used to require an entry in the Location field on the expense reports purpose screen.

If true, the system will not allow the expense report to be saved without an entry in this field.
Require Purpose On Expense Reports
ID: unasense.purpose.required
Default: false
Description: This property can be used to require an entry in the Purpose field on the expense reports purpose screen.

If true, the system will not allow the expense report to be saved without an entry in this field.
Require Comments If Threshold Exceeded
ID: unasense.threshold.exceeded.need_comments
Default: false
Description: This property is used to indicate comments are required on expense line items that exceed the expense type threshold.

If true, the comments are required if the threshold is exceeded.

If false, the comments are not required if the threshold is exceeded.
Require Email Address To Submit Expense Reports
ID: unasense.email.required
Default: false
Description: This property can be used to prevent users from submitting expense reports unless they have populated the email address in their user preferences.

If true, users must have an email address specified in order to submit an expense report.

If false, users can submit expense reports without having an email address specified.
Limit Expense Reports To One Project
ID: unasense.single.project.expense.limit
Default: false
Description: This property can be used to limit an expense report allocation to a single project.

If true, then expense reports cannot be allocated across multiple project/tasks.

If false, the expense report purpose page will allow for more than one project/task to be defined in the project allocation section.
Expense Save Stored Procedure
ID: unasense.save.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called after the save of an expense report. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon an expense report, after its save. Check out the expense stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on expenses saved via the Expense Import.

Note: This feature will not apply to expense requests (that is, these additional validations will only occur for saved expense reports).
Include saver when calling Save Stored Procedure
ID: unasense.save.stored_procedure.include_saver
Default: false
Description: By default, the save stored procedure call does not include information as to who is saving the expense report. Since this could be the owner, an alternate, a manager or an admin, it may be useful to pass this information to the stored procedure. In this way, the stored procedure can react to the saver and take different logical paths based on who is actually saving the expense report.

Please note that you should NOT change this property if you currently use an expense save validation procedure without first modifying the procedure signature to match.
Expense Submit Stored Procedure
ID: unasense.submit.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called prior to the submission of an expense report. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon an expense report, prior to its submission for approval. Check out the expense stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on expenses submitted via the Expense Import.

Note: This feature will not apply to expense requests (that is, these additional validations will only occur for submitted expense reports).
Include submitter when calling Submit Stored Procedure
ID: unasense.submit.stored_procedure.include_submitter
Default: false
Description: By default, the submit stored procedure call does not include information as to who is submitting the expense report or request. Since this could be the owner, an alternate, a manager or an admin, it may be useful to pass this information to the stored procedure. In this way, the stored procedure can react to the submitter and take different logical paths based on who is actually submitting the expense report or request.

Please note that you should NOT change this property if you currently use an expense submit validation procedure without first modifying the procedure signature to match.
Expense Preview Section Defaults
User Allocation Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./expense/allocate
Default: allocations
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

Expense/Allocate relates to the user's view of the Allocation preview.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • allocations (for the Project Allocations information)
  • history (for the Approval History)
Example: allocations,history
User Allocation Review Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./expense/allocate/review
Default: allocations
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

Expense/Allocate/Review Relates to the user's view of the Allocation preview (when performing a review).

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • allocations (for the Project Allocations information)
Example: allocations
User Expense Request Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./expense/request/view
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

Expense/Request/View Relates to the user's view of the Expense Request.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • allocations (for the Project Allocations information)
Example: allocations
User Expense Report Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./expense/view
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

Expense/View Relates to the user's view of the standard expense report preview.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • attachments (for the Attachment Section)
Example: allocations
User Expense Report Attachment Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./expense/view/attach
Default: attachments
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

Expense/View/Attach Relates to the user's view of the expense report preview when they click on the attachment icon.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • attachments (for the Attachment Section)
Example: allocations
User Expense Report Review Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./expense/view/review
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

Expense/View/Review Relates to the user's view of the standard expense report preview (when performing a Review).

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • attachments (for the Attachment Section)
Example: allocations
Manager Expense Report Review Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/allocate
Default: allocations
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

People/Expense/Allocate Relates to the Manager's view of the allocation version of an expense report from the My People list.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • allocations (for the Project Allocation information)
  • history (for the Approval History)
Example: allocations
Manager Allocation Report Approval Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/allocate_info
Default: allocations,history
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

People/Expense/Allocate_info Relates to the Manager's view of the popup version of the allocation view of an expense report (e.g. when doing an approval).

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • allocations (for the Project Allocation information)
  • history (for the Approval History)
Example: allocations
Manager Expense Request Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/request/view
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

People/Expense/Request/View Relates to the Manager's view of the expense request.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • allocations (for the Project Allocation information)
  • history (for the Approval History)
Example: allocations
Manager My People Preview Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/view
Default: blank
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

People/Expense/View Relates to the Manager's view of the standard preview version of an expense report from the My People list.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • attachments (for the Attachment Section)
Example: allocations
Manager Approval Preview Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/view/approve
Default: history
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

People/Expense/View/Approve Relates to the Manager's view of an expense report from the approval queue.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • attachments (for the Attachment Section)
Example: allocations
Manager Review Preview Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/view/review
Default: history
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

People/Expense/View/Review Relates to the Manager's view of an expense report from the approval queue (when performing a Review).

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • attachments (for the Attachment Section)
Example: allocations
Project Approver/Customer Approval Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./projects/expense/view/approve
Default: allocations,history
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

Projectds/Expense/View/Approve Relates to the Project Approver's or Customer's view of an expense report from the approval queue.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • allocations (for the Project Allocation information)
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • attachments (for the Attachment Section)
Example: allocations
Project Approver/Customer Review Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./projects/expense/view/review
Default: allocations,history
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

Projects/Expense/View/Review Relates to the Project Approver's view of an expense report from the approval queue (when performing a Review).

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • allocations (for the Project Allocation information)
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • attachments (for the Attachment Section)
Example: allocations
Manager Expense Status Report Default
ID: unasense.preview.expand./reports/people/status/expense/report
Default: history
Description: This property can be used to control which expense report detail sections will be expanded by default when the expense report is viewed in this particular area.

Reports/People/Status/Expense/Report Relates to the Manager's view of the standard preview version of an expense report from the Expense Status Report.

The valid values for each of the properties consists of a comma-delimited list, in any order, of the following values (in lowercase):
  • history (for the Approval History)
  • attachments (for the Attachment Section)
Example: allocations
Wizard Message
ID: unasense.wizard.message
Default: blank
Description: The value of this property will appear at the top of every wizard page. It can be used to display a generic message or an expense policy.

If the property is not set, no message is displayed.

The value can be a simple text string, or text string containing embedded HTML format tags.

Note: A custom message per expense type can be displayed on each expense type by editing the expense type directly.
Include Tax Overage on Lodging Allowable Expense Types
ID: unasense.lodging_allowable.include_tax_overage
Default: true
Description: This property is used in conjunction with the lodging allowable wizard.

If set to true, tax amounts will be included in the overage amounts. If set to false, the overage tax amount will always be zero. See the lodging_allowable wizard description for additional information about the default calculation.
Meals and Incidentals Breakdown
MIE Breakdown Breakfast Percent
ID: unasense.per_diem.mie.breakdown.breakfast.percent
Default: 15%
Description: This value is used to determine the breakdown values for M&IE Rates (on the M&IE expense type wizards) -- expressed in percentages without the % sign.

This value specifies the Breakfast percentage.

These percentages are used if you have not explicitly populated the M&IE per diem amount breakdown schedule.
MIE Breakdown Lunch Percent
ID: unasense.per_diem.mie.breakdown.lunch.percent
Default: 25%
Description: This value is used to determine the breakdown values for M&IE Rates (on the M&IE expense type wizards) -- expressed in percentages without the % sign.

This value specifies the Lunch percentage.

These percentages are used if you have not explicitly populated the M&IE per diem amount breakdown schedule.
MIE Breakdown Dinner Percent
ID: unasense.per_diem.mie.breakdown.dinner.percent
Default: 40%
Description: This value is used to determine the breakdown values for M&IE Rates (on the M&IE expense type wizards) -- expressed in percentages without the % sign.

This value specifies the Dinner percentage.

These percentages are used if you have not explicitly populated the M&IE per diem amount breakdown schedule.
MIE First Day Proration Percent
ID: unasense.per_diem.mie.first_day.proration.percent
Default: 75
Description: Determines the partial day proration percentage factor for the first day of a trip -- percentages expressed without the % sign.

If your company policy does not include this concept, you may want to set this value to 100 percent.
MIE Last Day Proration Percent
ID: unasense.per_diem.mie.last_day.proration.percent
Default: 75
Description: Determines the partial day proration percentage factor for the last day of a trip -- percentages expressed without the % sign.

If your company policy does not include this concept, you may want to set this value to 100 percent.
Special Situation Settings
Enable Special Situation
ID: unasense.per_diem.special_situation.enabled
Default: false
Description: Determines if the "Special Situation" check box will appear on the Lodging_Per_Diem or Lodging_Allowable wizards.

When available on the wizards, checking this attribute will result in the Prorated Allowance being multiplied by the special situation factor.

Note: this property works in conjunction with the unasense.per_diem.special_situation.factor property.
Special Situation Factor
ID: unasense.per_diem.special_situation.factor
Default: 1
Description: This property may be used to indicate, for example, that certain special situations may allow a user to expense up to 3 times the normal expense amount (in this example - you would enter a factor of 3. This is up to your company policy).

If this property has not been set, or an invalid value has been assigned, the default value will be 1.

Note: this property works in conjunction with the unasense.per_diem.special_situation.enabled property.
Meal Settings
Meal Cap
ID: unasense.meal.cap
Default: 0
Description: If your company uses a Daily Meals Cap (meaning employees are allowed to spend X dollars a day on all meals), this property can be used to set the threshold amount of meal expenses allowed on a single day.

If the daily meal cap amount has been exceeded, a new totals line is displayed on the expense preview screen, indicating the total meals amount and the meal cap amount. This is only a warning message that the threshold has been exceeded and will not prevent expense report submittal.

Note: This property must be used in conjunction with the unasense.meal.expense_types property to define which expense types are to be included in this calculation. For example, you may include Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner expense types when determining the daily meal expenditures.

Further, if you are using the Employee Business Meeting (built-in) wizard, the per person amount indicated on that wizard will also be taken into consideration for the daily meal cap amount.
Include Expense Types In Meal Cap Calculation
ID: unasense.meal.expense_types
Default: blank
Description: This property will include a semi-colon delimited list of Expense Types that should be included in the meal cap calculation (note: this is not case-sensitive).

If the daily meal cap amount has been exceeded, a new totals line is displayed indicating the total meals amount and the meal cap amount.

Note: This property must be used in conjunction with the unasense.meal.cap property, which sets the actual dollar limit.
Allow Overbooking Blockout
ID: unasource.overbooking.blockout.allowed
Default: true
Description: This property controls whether overbooking is permitted. If true, there is no limitation on block out planning entries for an individual.

If false, no more than one block out planning entry can exist for the same person on any given day.
Show Labor Category In User Planning
ID: unasource.user.plan.show_labor_category
Default: false
Description: Specifies whether a user can see and select a Labor Category when self planning.

If true, users can see and select the Labor Category field.

If false, users do not see this field.
Enable Multiple Plan Sets
ID: unanet.plan_sets.enabled
Default: false
Description: When enabled, this property allows the project managers to create multiple planning scenarios/plan sets for a single project. Each plan set may include multiple labor and expense plans.
Default to List Tab on Plan Set List (for lists having <= X plan sets)
ID: unanet.plan_set_list.search_enable.limit
Default: 0
Description: Controls which tab is activated by default when accessing the Plan Set list. When set to 0, the List tab is always presented.

When set to a non-zero value, the user will be presented with the List tab displaying the full list of plan sets for a project when the number of plan sets is less than or equal to the defined property value, otherwise, the user will be presented with the Search tab.
Use Financial Organizations
ID: unanet.financials.use_financial_orgs
Default: false
Description: This property is used to control whether Financial Organization business logic will be used in various places in Unanet. This property must be checked in order to use Unanet Financials.
  • If checked, the following rules will be enforced:
    • The Project Owning Organization is required.
    • The Project Owning Organization must be a financial organization.
    • The Project Organization must be a Customer within the Legal Entity of the Project Owning Organization if the Generate Unanet Invoice checkbox is checked for the project (e.g. the project is going to be billed in Unanet).
    • The Person Organization for users having a classification of salaried or hourly must be a Financial Org. If at least one rate for classification other than salaried or hourly exists for the user, Person Org can be any org. Various posts (Billing,Cost, Invoice Completion, etc.) ensure that no cross-legal entity transactions are created.
    • Timesheet validations:
      • If the Person Org is a Financial Organization, the legal entity of the Project Owning Org must be the same as the legal entity of the Person Org.
      • If the Person Org is not a Financial Organization, Project Owning Org can be in any legal entity.
  • If not checked, none of the Financial Organization business logic rules will apply.
Use Financial Organizations Effective Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
ID: unanet.financials.use_financial_orgs.eff_date
Description: This property is in conjunction with the Use Financial Organizations property and allows the user to apply the Financial Organizations business rules only to transactions posted on or after the specified date. This date must be in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD. For example: 2013-01-31.
  • If a date is specified, the posting processes will apply the Financial Organizations business rules only if the specified posting date is greater than or equal to the date specified here. This allows the user to make adjustments to transactions created in existing Unanet installations prior to implementation of Unanet Financials or use of Financial Organizations that do not meet the Financial Organization business rules.
  • If no date is specified, the Financial Organizations business rules will apply to all postings if the Use Financial Organizations property is checked.
Effect: when populated will cause timesheet validation and posts to allow postings to non Financial Organizations and cross-legal entity transactions to be generated if the post date pre-dates the property value.
Post Cross Charge Labor
ID: unanet.financials.post_cross_charge_labor
Default: false
Description: This property will determine if cross-charge labor entries will be created as part of the Labor Cost Post process. If set to true, a pair of offsetting transactions will be posted to the person home organization for any labor transactions where the labor cost is posted to an organization other than the person home organization. The accounts used in the posting are specified via the Cross Charge Labor and Cross-Charge Labor Offset Account Categories in Admin Setup – Posting Groups.

This property should be set to true if the user is calculating indirect cost rates in Unanet and has multiple rates within the same legal entity (e.g. indirect rates by region or office). The cross-charge labor postings allow the user to determine the total labor base for an organization for purposes of calculating the indirect rates for the organization. This would typically occur if the labor cost postings are set up to have the labor cost post to the project owning organization rather than the person home organization.
Number of Open Fiscal Periods
ID: unanet.financials.open_fiscal_periods
Default: 0
Description: Restricts the number of open fiscal periods available for data entry in the Financial modules. If a non-zero value is specified, the open periods will be based on the last closed period and be limited to the number of periods specified in the parameter (e.g. if period 2010-11 is the last closed period for journal entries and the Number of Open Periods is set to 3, then periods 2010-12, 2011-01 and 2011-02 would be open for entry for journal entries. If the value is not specified or set to zero, all periods other than closed periods are eligible for entry.
Default Billing From Email Address
ID: unanet.financials.email.default.billing_from_address
Description: Email address the system uses to email invoices. If not specified, the Default From Email Address is used.
Default Billing Archive Email Address
ID: unanet.financials.email.default.bill_archive_address
Description: Email address to which all emailed invoices will be sent as a bcc email recipient.
General Ledger
Post to General Ledger
ID: unanet.financials.post_to_gl
Default: false
Description: This property is used to control whether general ledger detail records will be created by the various posting processes in Unanet if the site has an active Unanet Financials license. This property should be checked whenever Unanet Financials is active.
  • If checked, general ledger detail records will be created for all transactions processed by the Project and Financial posting processes. This is subject to the limitations applied via the Post to GL Effective Date property.
  • If not checked, no general ledger detail records will be created by any posting process.
Post to General Ledger Effective Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
ID: unanet.financials.post_to_gl.eff_date
Description: This property is used in conjunction with the Post to GL property and allows the user to create general ledger detail records only for transactions posted on or after the specified date. This value does not affect the Journal Entry posting process. General ledger detail records are always created by the Journal Entry posting process whenever the Post to GL property is checked. This date must be in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD. For example: 2013-01-31.
  • If a date is specified, general ledger detail records will be created by the Financial and Project posting processes only if the specified posting date is greater than or equal to the date specified here. This allows the user to do things such as set up beginning AR and AP balances and enter project history without affecting the general ledger.
  • If no date is specified, general ledger detail records will be created by the various posting processes in Unanet if the site has an active Unanet Financials license and the Post to GL property is checked.
Allow users to delete unposted Journal Entries
ID: unanet.financials.allow_journal_entry_delete
Default: true
Description: When enabled, the users can delete unposted Journal Entries. If there is a need to prevent gaps in the system-generated Journal Entry numbers, this property should be set to false.
Posting Levels
General Ledger Billing Post Level
ID: unanet.financials.gl_post_level.billing
Default: detail
Description: This property is used in conjunction with the Post to GL property and determines the level of detail used when creating general ledger records as a result of a billing post. The configuration values are:
  • detail - generate a GL entry for each billing entry posted.
  • summary - summarize GL entries at the account/organization/project level.
General Ledger Expense Cost Post Level
ID: unanet.financials.gl_post_level.expense_cost
Default: detail
Description: This property is used in conjunction with the Post to GL property and determines the level of detail used when creating general ledger records for the Expense Report Cost account category for expense report detail line items in the Expense Report Cost post. The configuration values are:
  • detail - generate a GL entry for each expense allocation entry posted.
  • summary - summarize GL entries at the expense report/project/account/organization level.
General Ledger Reimbursable Expense Cost Offset Post Level
ID: unanet.financials.gl_post_level.expense_cost_reimbursable_offset
Default: summary
Description: This property is used in conjunction with the Post to GL property and determines the level of detail used when creating general ledger records for the Expense Report Offset - Reimbursable account category for the reimbursable amounts included in the expense report in the Expense Report Cost post. The configuration values are:
  • detail - generate a GL entry for each expense allocation entry posted.
  • summary - summarize GL entries at the expense report/account/organization level.
General Ledger Non-reimbursable Expense Cost Offset Post Level
ID: unanet.financials.gl_post_level.expense_cost_non-reimbursable_offset
Default: detail
Description: This property is used in conjunction with the Post to GL property and determines the level of detail used when creating general ledger records for the Expense Report Offset – Non-Reimbursable account category for the non-reimbursable amounts included in the expense report in the Expense Report Cost post. The configuration values are:
  • detail - generate a GL entry for each expense allocation entry posted.
  • summary - summarize GL entries at the expense report/account/organization level.
General Ledger Invoice Post Level
ID: unanet.financials.gl_post_level.invoice
Default: detail
Description: This property is used in conjunction with the Post to GL property and determines the level of detail used when creating general ledger records as a result of a invoice completion or voiding. The configuration values are:
  • detail - generate a GL entry for each non-BILLED journal record posted.
  • summary - summarize GL entries at the account/organization/project/invoice level.
Note that BILLED journal records are always posted to the general ledger at a summary level even if posting other journal records at a detail level.
General Ledger Labor Cost Post Level
ID: unanet.financials.gl_post_level.labor_cost
Default: detail
Description: This property is used in conjunction with the Post to GL property and determines the level of detail used when creating general ledger records for the Labor Cost account category for detail labor transactions in the Labor Cost post. The configuration values are:
  • detail - generate a GL entry for each timesheet cell posted.
  • timesheet - generate a GL entry for each timesheet/project/account/organization level.
  • summary - summarize GL entries at the project/account/organization level.
General Ledger Labor Cost Offset Post Level
ID: unanet.financials.gl_post_level.labor_cost_offset
Default: timesheet
Description: This property is used in conjunction with the Post to GL property and determines the level of detail used when creating general ledger records for the Labor Cost Offset – Employees and the Labor Cost Offset – Non-Employee (PO)'s account categories for detail labor transactions in the Labor Cost post. The configuration values are:
  • detail - generate a GL entry for each timesheet cell posted.
  • timesheet - generate a GL entry for each timesheet/account/organization level.
  • summary - summarize GL entries at the account/organization level.
Validation Options
Journal Entry Save Stored Procedure
ID: unanet.financials.je.save.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called after the save of a journal entry. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a journal entry, after the save. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on journal entry saved via General Ledger Journal Entry Import.
Journal Entry Submit/Post Stored Procedure
ID: unanet.financials.je.submit.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called prior to the submission or posting of a journal entry. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a journal entry, prior to its submission or posting. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on journal entry submitted via General Ledger Journal Entry Import.
Accounts Payable
Allow users to delete unposted Vendor Invoices
ID: unanet.financials.allow_vendor_invoice_delete
Default: true
Description: When enabled, the users can delete unposted Vendor Invoices. If there is a need to prevent gaps in the system-generated Vendor Invoice numbers, this property should be set to false.
Allow users to delete unposted Vendor Payments
ID: unanet.financials.allow_vendor_payment_delete
Default: true
Description: When enabled, the users can delete unposted Vendor Payments. If there is a need to prevent gaps in the system-generated Vendor Payment numbers, this property should be set to false.
Duplicate Vendor Invoice Behavior
ID: unanet.financials.duplicate_vendor_invoice
Default: warn
Description: This property controls the behavior of the system if a duplicate vendor invoice is found. A duplicate vendor invoice is one with the same:
  • Vendor
  • Vendor Invoice / Reference #
  • Vendor Invoice Date
  • Invoice Amount
The configuration values are:
  • ignore - don't check for duplicate vendor invoices.
  • warn - give a warning message if a duplicate is found, but allow the creation of the invoice.
  • error - give an error message if a duplicate is found, and prevent the creation of the invoice.
Enable 1099 Functionality
ID: unanet.financials.1099.enabled
Default: false
Description: This property controls whether the 1099-related information will appear in the system (Note: Only available with Financials license). When checked, the following information will be displayed:
  • Organizations >> Profile will have a 1099 tab
  • Admin >> Payment Methods will have an "Include in 1099" option
  • Admin >> Accounts >> will have options to enter and display "1099 Category" information
Validation Options
Vendor Invoice Save Stored Procedure
ID: unanet.financials.vi.save.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called after the save of a vendor invoice. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a vendor invoice, after the save. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on vendor invoice saved via Vendor Invoice Import.
Vendor Invoice Submit/Post Stored Procedure
ID: unanet.financials.vi.submit.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called prior to the submission or posting of a vendor invoice. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a vendor invoice, prior to its submission or posting. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on vendor invoice submitted via Vendor Invoice Import.
Vendor Payment Save Stored Procedure
ID: unanet.financials.vp.save.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called after the save of a vendor payment. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a vendor payment, after the save. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on vendor payment saved via Vendor Payment Import.
Vendor Payment Submit/Post Stored Procedure
ID: unanet.financials.vp.submit.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called prior to the submission or posting of a vendor payment. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a vendor payment, prior to its submission or posting. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on vendor payment submitted via Vendor Payment Import.
Accounts Receivable
Allow users to delete unposted Customer Payments
ID: unanet.financials.allow_customer_payment_delete
Default: true
Description: When enabled, the users can delete unposted Customer Payments. If there is a need to prevent gaps in the system-generated Customer Payment numbers, this property should be set to false.
Allow users to delete unposted Deposits
ID: unanet.financials.allow_deposit_delete
Default: true
Description: When enabled, the users can delete unposted Deposits. If there is a need to prevent gaps in the system-generated Deposit numbers, this property should be set to false.
Allow users to unpost Customer Payments
ID: unanet.financials.allow_customer_payment_unpost
Default: false
Description: When enabled, the users can unpost a Customer Payment. This function will delete all General Ledger transactions generated by the original Customer Payment post and set the payment status back to Inuse.


This function is subject to the following restrictions:
- This function is only available to users having the Administrator role.
- Voiding payments cannot be directly unposted. However, unposting the voided payment will also delete the voiding payment and any associated GL transactions.
- A payment cannot be unposted if it is contained in a Deposit or has been posted into a closed Fiscal Period.
Validation Options
Customer Payment Save Stored Procedure
ID: unanet.financials.cp.save.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called after the save of a customer payment. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a customer payment, after the save. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on customer payment saved via Customer Payment Import.
Customer Payment Submit/Post Stored Procedure
ID: unanet.financials.cp.submit.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called prior to the submission or posting of a customer payment. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a customer payment, prior to its submission or posting. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.

Note: Providing a value for this parameter will have no effect on customer payment submitted via Customer Payment Import.
Deposit Save Stored Procedure
ID: unanet.financials.ds.save.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called after the save of a deposit. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a deposit, after the save. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.
Deposit Submit/Post Stored Procedure
ID: unanet.financials.ds.submit.stored_procedure
Default: blank
Description: This setting is used to define the name of a database stored procedure that should be called prior to the submission or posting of a deposit. The stored procedure can be used to perform customer specific validations upon a deposit, prior to its submission or posting. Check out the stored procedure page for additional information.
Purchase Requisition
Allow users to delete unapproved PR document
ID: unanet.purchasing.pr.can_delete_unapproved
Default: true
Description: When enabled, the users can delete unapproved Purchase Requisitions. If there is a need to prevent gaps in the system-generated Purchase Requisition numbers, this property should be set to false.
Purchase Order
Allow users to delete unapproved PO document
ID: unanet.purchasing.po.can_delete_unapproved
Default: true
Description: When enabled, the users can delete unapproved Purchase Orders. If there is a need to prevent gaps in the system-generated Purchase Order numbers, this property should be set to false
Allow creating a PO without a PR
ID: unanet.purchasing.po.can_create_without_pr
Default: false
Description: When enabled, the user can create a Purchase Order document without an associated approved Purchase Requisition. If disabled, the user will only be able to create a Purchase Order with an associated approved Purchase Requisition
Default from email address when sending PO
ID: unanet.purchasing.po.default.email
Default: Blank
Description: Email address the system uses to email Purchase Orders. If not specified, the Default From Email Address is used.