Admin Setup - Employee Type


Employee Types is an optional attribute that can be used to further categorize users in your system.  This screen can be used to define the list of Employee Types that will be available for use.  Users can be associated with a particular Employee Type via this screen (Employees tab) or via the Person Profile >> Profile tab.  

In addition to using the Employee Type to categorize a user, this screen can also be used to optionally define a setup of Pay Codes and/or Expense Types that will be available for use by users associated with a particular Employee Type.   Note this feature works in conjunction with the project level pay code and expense type restrictions (so you can have both user and project restrictions on available pay codes and expense types).

A user can only be associated with a single Employee Type at any given time.


This screen is available to users having any of the following roles: Administrator and P&R Administrator


This screen is available with any Unanet license.


Topics covered on this help page include:



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Example Employee Type Search screen:

The search tab is available to specify selection criteria when searching for existing Employee Type entries.

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):


Example Employee Type List screen:

The List tab will display those Employee Types that matched the selection criteria provided in the Search tab.  Providing no criteria on the Search tab will present a complete list of Employee Types defined in your system.

Note that you cannot delete an Employee Type that has any users associated with it.

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



Example Employee Type - Summary tab:

This tab can be used to indicate the name, description and whether the particular Employee Type is active.

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



Example Employee Type - Employees tab:

Users can be associated with an Employee Type group either via their Person Profile or via this Employees tab.  


Which users will be associated?

On this screen, only those users that appear in the right window will be associated with this Employee Type group.


Add Employees (to an Employee Type category)

To add new users entries, select one or many entries from the Available People list and click on the right arrow button.  

Remove Employees (from an Employee Type category)

Similar to adding user entries, in order to remove entries, simply select the desired items in the Employees for <Employee Type> window and click on the left arrow button.


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):


Example Employee Type - Pay Codes tab:

Using the Pay Codes tab, you can define which pay codes will be available for users associated with a particular Employee Type category.  


Which pay codes will be available?

On this tab, only those pay codes that appear in the right window, will be available for use by users associated with this Employee Type group.  

By default, an Employee Type entry will not have specific pay codes identified for inclusion, but instead, will derive the list of associated pay codes as being equivalent to the list of default pay codes for your installation (as defined by the Administrator on the Admin >> Setup >> Pay Code screen --- to include those pay codes identified as Include in Default List).  The Administrator can customize the contents by moving pay codes between the two windows.

Clicking on the Default button will reset the pay code list for this employee type group to the default settings (that is, those pay codes identified by the administrator as being Include in Default List on the Admin >> Setup >> Pay Codes screen).   The screen will include the message "Using Default Pay Codes List" over the right hand assigned pay code list to indicate the default values are being used.

For a complete discussion on the Pay Code capabilities see the Pay Code Defaulting help topic.


Add Pay Code (to an Employee Type category)

To add new pay code entries, select one or many entries from the Available Pay Codes list and click on the right arrow button.  

Remove Pay Codes (from an Employee Type category)

Similar to adding pay code entries, in order to remove entries, simply select the desired items in the Pay Codes for <Employee Type> window and click on the left arrow button.


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information)



Example Employee Type - Expense Types tab:

Using the Pay Codes tab, you can define which pay codes will be available for users associated with a particular Employee Type category.  


Which expense types will be available?

On this tab, only those expense types that appear in the right window, will be available for use by users associated with this Employee Type group (unless the right window is empty, in which case no additional expense type filtering will occur and users will be able to charge to any expense type otherwise available to them).


Add Expense Type (from an Employee Type category)

To add new expense type entries, select one or many entries from the Available Expense Types list and click on the right arrow button.  

Remove Pay Codes (from an Employee Type category)

Similar to adding expense type entries, in order to remove entries, simply select the desired items in the Expense Types for <Employee Type> window and click on the left arrow button.

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



Manage Accounts

The Employee Type >> Accounts screen is available to associate employee type specific Accounts to a number of Account Categories, to be used during a variety of posting activities.   Whether the Account values you specify on this screen are utilized during the posting procedures will depend on which Posting Group the project being processed is associated with, assuming the activity is project related. Project Posting Groups are designated on the Project Profile >> Accounting tab.  Should the associated Posting Group be configured to consider the employee type level accounts, these values may be used.  If no specific custom Posting Group governs the project related transactions, then the account defaulting rules specified in the System Default Posting Group will apply.

The list of available Account Categories that can have employee type specific Accounts specified is pre-defined in your system.  For more information about Account Categories, see the Account Category Descriptions topic.


When clicking on the or icons in the Employee Type List, you will be presented with a screen resembling the following.  Using the pencil icon, you can edit account category entries and associate or remove an existing account.  

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information)



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