Admin Setup - Invoice Formats


This screen can be used to create and maintain the set of invoice formats that will be available for use in your system. You can also copy an existing invoice format and make any necessary changes for the new format.

Billing Managers will be able to select from the list of available invoice formats when defining the invoice settings for a particular project (or Invoice Group).  These configuration screens contain many configuration options and will present a visual example of how the layout may look with or without various options enabled.  Regardless of the level of detail you choose to include in your invoice layout, the total amount due this invoice will not change.

Making changes to an existing layout will not impact any existing invoices.  Only those draft invoices generated after the layout has been changed will reflect the modified layout configuration.  


This screen is available to users having the Administrator or P&R Administrator role.


This screen is available with the Project Tracking and Project Portfolio family of Unanet licenses.


Topics covered on this help page include:


You may also be interested in:

Invoice Formats List screen:

This screen presents a listing of the invoice formats that have been defined in your system.

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



Invoice Layout Basics

The categories of invoice details that may be included in your format are referred to as invoice "sections".  

The available sections  include:


While there are many controls available to customize your invoice layouts, there are a few controls that will more significantly influence how the output is organized.  Prior to understanding the various detailed controls for each possible section, you should first understand a few of the more significant options and the general behavior of the display of sections and line items on the invoice.  

Among the over-arching controls to consider are the Show Charge Breakdown option as well as the options to Group By Project and/or Group By Task.

Show Charge Breakdown


Group By Project and Group By Task



Further information regarding specific behavior and display details is discussed in the field description sections below.




Preview Pane

When configuring options on the left hand side of the invoice format screen, you can click on the Refresh Preview icon () which will update the example layout on the right to give you an idea as to how the resulting layout will appear.  Note that the values appearing in a light gray font in the preview are values that are configured elsewhere (i.e. on the Project >> Billing >> Invoice Setup tabs).  The information configured on the project profile includes the Invoice Header information, Description, Memo and Remit To address information.


Invoice Format

Clicking on the add invoice format icon () or edit pencil for an existing format provides the ability to manipulate an invoice format.  Using this screen, you can provide a name and description for the format and indicate whether the format will be available for association when defining project invoice settings.   Using the options on these tabs, the invoice layout can be configured to show more or less detail.


Topics covered in this section:


Summary Tab

Using the controls on this tab allows you to provide the basic information such as Name and Description, and also allows you to define over-arching behavior for the entire invoice format, such as whether the invoice will be highly summarized or Show Charge Breakdown, what information will appear on the Project and Task line items, whether the invoice will be organized by category of charges (i.e. Labor, Expense, Additional Items, etc) or organized by these categories (i.e. Sections) within a Project and/or Task grouping.  

This tab also provides for the ability to control the sequence of the sections that appear, whether additional inception to date and invoiced to date amounts will appear, and how you prefer the Remit To address be displayed.  Discount Amount and Discount Date shows in the invoice header when discount amount is non zero.

Additional project specific invoice configuration can be achieve via the Project > Billing > Setup screens.

Note that whether the Billing Through Date will appear in the invoice header can be controlled system wide using the following property:
 -- Hide Billing Through Date  (unanet.invoice.hide.billing_through_date)

Date Formats

You can use the Invoice Date Format (unanet.invoice.date_format) property to specify an alternative date format for all dates appearing on all of your invoices.  Valid formats available include (M/d/yyyy, d/M/yyyy, and d-MMM-yy). If no format is provided in this property (or an invalid format is provided), the system default format will be used.  Your system default format is locale dependent and is either M/d/yyyy or d/M/yyyy.

Given and example date of January 5, 2010 -- the three possible formats would yield:
-- M/d/yyyy --> 01/05/2010
-- d/M/yyyy --> 05/01/2010
-- d-MMM-yy --> 05-JAN-10



Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):




T&M Labor Tab

Using the controls on this tab, you can define how the T&M Labor details will appear in the invoice layout.  This tab is disabled unless the Show Charge Breakdown option is selected on the Summary tab.  

This section allows for the creation of additional like sections to facilitate further segmentation of details.  See Add T&M Labor Section for details regarding segmenting the T&M Labor into multiple sections, determining how the data will be filtered for each, the sequence in which the data collection will occur, whether additional sub-totals will display, where to provide a title for the new sections, etc.


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



T&M Expense Tab

Using the controls on this tab, you can define how the T&M Expense details will appear in the invoice layout.  This tab is disabled unless the Show Charge Breakdown option is selected on the Summary tab.  

This section allows for the creation of additional like sections to facilitate further segmentation of details.  See Add T&M Expense Section for details regarding segmenting the T&M Expense into multiple sections, determining how the data will be filtered for each, the sequence in which the data collection will occur, whether additional sub-totals will display, where to provide a title for the new sections, etc.


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):




Fixed Price Tab

Using the controls on this tab, you can define how the Fixed Price details will appear in the invoice layout.  This tab is disabled unless the Show Charge Breakdown option is selected on the Summary tab.  


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



Cost Plus Tab

Using the controls on this tab, you can define how the Cost Plus details will appear in the invoice layout.  This tab is disabled unless the Show Charge Breakdown option is selected on the Summary tab.  

This section allows for the creation of additional like sections to facilitate further segmentation of details.  See Add Cost Plus Section for details regarding segmenting the Cost Plus data into multiple sections, determining how the data will be filtered for each, the sequence in which the data collection will occur, whether additional sub-totals will display, where to provide a title for the new sections, etc.


Display Order of Cost Elements

When rendering the invoice, the system will sort any included "Cost Element" columns first by the Cost Element >> Invoice Sort Order value (when present), second by cost element name.  In the event the column containing cost element may also include Fee Methods, column values will be ordered such that all Cost Elements precede all Fee Methods.  Note this does not apply to columns of type "Cost Element Type", "Base Cost Element" or "Base Cost Element Type".



Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):




Funded Value Adj Tab   

Using the controls on this tab, you can define how the Funded Value Adjustment details will appear in the invoice layout.  This tab is disabled unless the Show Charge Breakdown option is selected on the Summary tab.  


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):




Additional Items Tab

Using the controls on this tab, you can define how the Additional Items details will appear in the invoice layout.  This tab is disabled unless the Show Charge Breakdown option is selected on the Summary tab.    

This section allows for the creation of additional like sections to facilitate further segmentation of details.  See Add Additional Item Section for details regarding segmenting the Additional Items into multiple sections, determining how the data will be filtered for each, the sequence in which the data collection will occur, whether additional sub-totals will display, where to provide a title for the new sections, etc.


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):




Pre-Billed Labor Tab

Using the controls on this tab, you can define how the Pre-Billed Labor details will appear in the invoice layout.  This tab is disabled unless the Show Charge Breakdown option is selected on the Summary tab.  


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):




Pre-Billed Labor Offset Tab

Using the controls on this tab, you can define how the Pre-Billed labor Offset details will appear in the invoice layout.  This tab is disabled unless the Show Charge Breakdown option is selected on the Summary tab.  


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):




Tax Tab

Using the controls on this tab, you can define how the Tax details will appear in the invoice layout.  This tab is disabled unless the Show Tax Separately option is selected on the Summary tab.  


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



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