! Important Tip ! |
The Project selection criteria can be used to narrow down which Project Organizations and Projects will be included in the output. By default, <All Projects> will be included in the output.
If you do not want to include all Project Organizations / Projects, you can use the Project filter options and click on the filter icon () to narrow down the list of items in the multi-select box. Once you have narrowed down the list, you can further select and de-select individual items in the multi-select box.
Data security (which projects are available)
The options available to refine the items included in the multi-select box include:
Org Code and Project Code Filter Fields
Show Org. Codes in filter only check box
Include inactive projects in filter check box
Also, for more complex searching:
Learn more about using Wildcards in your filter criteria (e.g. % for all)
Learn more about comma separated lists
Note that after making any changes to the filter criteria, you will need to click on the filter icon () or enter to re-populate the multi-select box.