Invoice & Posting - Labor Cost Post


The Labor Cost Post process provides a means to create journal transactions for costs related to timesheet entries using a process similar to the Billing & Revenue – Post process.  The process will only pick up timesheets meeting the search criteria (and other conditions) that have yet to be posted.  Once posted, the timesheet entries will be stamped to indicated they have been included in a post process.  Depending on the Post to General Ledger (unanet.financials.post_to_gl)  and Post to General Ledger Effective Date (unanet.financials.post_to_gl.eff_date) properties, the transactions can also optionally be posted to the General Ledger.  

Using this feature allows you to capitalize on the robust Posting Group capabilities to manage the accounts associated with various transaction types.  Further, using this feature allows you to better control which period transactions are to be associated with transactions (for improved cost reporting).  It also allows for 'freezing' the accounts and periods with which transactions are associated.  Many of the cost reports allow for reporting on posted data only, and thus this feature can also improve your ability to reconcile data with external systems.


This screen is available to users having any of the following roles: Administrator, P&R Administrator or GL Admin.  


This screen is available with the Project Tracking and Project Portfolio family of Unanet licenses.


Topics covered on this help page include:


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Using the Labor Cost Post Search screen, you can refine the list of users time entries to be included in a labor cost post process.  In addition to providing selection criteria to narrow down the list of users time entries to be included, you will also need to specify the Transaction Attributes  (i.e. Post Date and Fiscal Period) to be used during the posting process.

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



The values displayed in the resulting list are limited to those actuals meeting the following conditions:


From this screen, the user can check one or many of the available check boxes and click on the Post button to invoke a Labor Cost Post for these amounts.


The Post button will only appear if the list contains at least one user having data eligible to be posted.


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):


Post Process

The Post process will create journal entries at the timesheet cell detail level.  Optionally, general ledger entries will also be generated at a level determined by property settings.  Further, posting General Ledger Cross Charge entries can also be enabled via property setting.


Project Prerequisites


General Rules for Posting Organizations and Accounts


General Rules for Posting


The posting process includes the following (not necessarily generated in this order):

  1. Create Labor Cost Entries
        1. detail    - generate a GL entry for each timesheet cell.
        2. timesheet - generate a GL entry for each timesheet/project/account/organization.
        3. summary   - summarize GL entries at the project/account/organization.
      • Labor Cost positive amounts are debits
      • Labor Cost negative amounts are credits


  1. Create Labor Cost Offset Entries


  1. Create Cross Charge Entries
      • For each timesheet cell
        • Post the cost amount - to both account categories
        • Cross Charge Labor positive amounts are debits
        • Cross Charge Labor negative amounts are credits
        • Cross Charge Labor Offset positive amounts are credits
        • Cross Charge Labor Offset negative amounts are debits


Closed Fiscal Years


Posting to Closed Fiscal Year

When posting to or voiding a document from a closed fiscal year, and the document contains details for accounts having account types REVENUE and EXPENSE, where the credits and debits do not cancel each other out (i.e. the delta between the revenues and expenses is not = 0), this process will additionally need to generate an adjustment to the previously recorded RETAINED EARNINGS account for the closed year.  

Note the adjustment will be generated regardless of the existence of the RETAINED EARNINGS account for the year being adjusted.  

The adjusting transaction will have the following attributes:



Rounding Note

Note that when the post runs, the individual amounts are calculated and rounded at the lowest level.  Using Labor for example, individual time entries will have their hours multiplied by the effective cost rate and the result is rounded and then posted.  As such, it is possible that when accumulating the sum of all posted entries, you may see a difference should you compare that to a total number of hours multiplied by an effective cost rate.

Post Process - Feedback

Once the post is run, the user will see feedback written to the screen that will indicate the users included in the post.  Should any unexpected issues be encountered, additional details will be written to the screen for the effected users.  Note that any users that encounters an error during the post, would result in no items being posted.  Other users within that same run that did not encounter issue would have their data posted.

Person Time Details Popup Reports

Clicking on the values in the Unposted Costs (Hours or Cost columns) will display a popup report showing a version of the Person Time Details report that is limited to the data that supports the number clicked. It only includes the details that are yet to posted for costs.


The popup report will resemble the following:

The popup report uses the following from the search criteria:


Note: Financial Posted Date does not display data - it is needed for backend query.



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