EDC (Date)

The EDC field will reflect the Estimated Date of Completion (as supplied by either the Resource Assigner or the end timesheet user).  

If the date entered is later than the project or task end date, the system will warn the user entering the value.


Depending on the Enable ETC Collection on Timesheet (unatime.etc_collection.enabled) property, end users can update their own EDC information via the Time >> ETC screen or via the Timesheet >> Eye Glasses. The value entered would represent the expected date of completion (and may be unrelated to the ETC).  That is, you may know you only have 8 hours of remaining effort, but that you will not perform the effort for another 2 weeks.  When supplying a new value or updating an existing value in this field, the associate Last Updated On value is stamped with the system's current date at the time the record is saved.


See ETC Wizard for more information about managing ETCs.