Reports - Financial - Balance Sheet Statement


This report presents balances of all Asset and Liability account types formatted as a Balance Sheet as of a specified Fiscal Period.


This report is available to users having any of the following roles:  Administrator and GL Viewers.


This report is available with the Project Financials family of Unanet licenses.


Topics covered on this help page include:


Selection Criteria

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information)


Example Report Output

The resulting output will resemble the following example.  On this report, the


Report Generation Notes


Amount Calculation Notes:


Report Column Notes:

Based on the specified choices in the Column Options and Comparison Column Options, the following columns may potentially be included in the output:


Report Row Notes:

This section describes behavior common to all/any criteria selection.

The report will display an account tree structure with all accounts that have charges posted to the General Ledger for:

  1. Accounts of Type "Asset" and "Liability"
  2. GL Organizations that belongs to the selected Legal Entity
  3. The sum of all column amounts (through the selected fiscal period end, through prior year end, or budget amounts) when result is not equal to zero
  4. The user running the report has access to organizations being charged in GL as a GL viewer
  5. If an organization has been used to filter the data in the criteria screen, only GL charges for the selected organizations will be included in the final results.

The first four levels of accounts are not indented, three next levels are incrementally indented by 0.2.

If Show Organizations checkbox has been selected in criteria's Row Detail Options, we will list GL amounts breakdown by organization under each account (if there were any direct charges to the account in GL). The account becomes a header of the group, and at the bottom of the group we will print total of charges for the account.

If Arrange Report By: Legal Entity has been selected:
The account tree will print as is, without any additional breakdowns.

If Arrange Report By: Organization has been selected:
The account tree will be broken down into smaller sections organized by the GL's Organization. The org Name will be printed at the very beginning of each section, and PDF version of the report will do page break after each organization. "Show Organization" can still be selected, however the same org as the header's org will be printed under each account, unnecessary repeating the same information (not a recommended combination of settings for running the report).

If Arrange Report By: Organization Hierarchy Level X has been selected:
The account tree will be broken down into smaller sections organized by the GL's Organization level with the roll-up to the selected level X. For example, if we have the following org hierarchy:
       1.01.02; 1.01.03;
       1.02.01; 1.02.02;

And we selected to Arrange report by org level 2, all charges for organizations 1.01.02 and 1.01.03 will be included into the 1.01 org section, and all charges for orgs 1.02.01 and 1.02.02 will be included into 1.02 org section. PDF version of the report will insert page break after each organization section.

If any account Roll-up level has been selected, we will summarize all charges for accounts at/and below the selected level, and only the Total of all charges will be printed at the roll-up level. Accounts above the roll-up level will continue displaying the sum of direct charges to the account.

Special Entries  (Retained Earnings and Net Income)

In addition to all Asset and Liability accounts that have charges in the General Ledger for the selected fiscal period, we will also include two amounts within the report body in the following way:


The Retained Earnings and Net Income entries will be displayed as part of the regular Financial Account Tree, and if a regular charge for the accounts exists in the General Ledger (it has to satisfy other criteria, such as account type A or L, and so on), we will add the calculated above amounts to the sum of GL charges for the account and/or organization. These entries are subject to all criteria selection described above, such as account roll-up, or Arrange By selection.

The two special records will not be included on the report if:


PDF and Excel Output

On this report you will notice the pdf () and Excel () icons, which can be used to produce the report output in these alternative formats.



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