Reports - Project Accounting - Project Control Panel


This report provides a consolidated view of high level project revenue and other project information, and then provides for a number of click-throughs and navigational options to facilitate viewing supporting details.  From this report, you can navigate to and/or drill down into the following reports and screens:  Billing & Revenue Summary Report, Cost Summary & Status Report, Invoice Status Report, Organization Activity Report, Project Transactions Report, Project Profile, and AR Aging Report. This report has many options allowing you to control which details are included in the output as well as sorting preferences.  In order to facilitate some of the click-throughs, the search screen also contains options specific to the drill down criteria.


This report is available to users having any of the following roles:  Administrator, P&R Administrator, and Project Administrators (that also have the Cost Rate Manager role or the Allow Project Cost Reporting for Non-Cost Rate Managers (unanet.non_cost_mgr.allow_project_cost_reporting) property is enabled).


This report is available with the Project Portfolio or Project Financials family of Unanet licenses.


Topics covered on this help page include:


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Selection Criteria

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information)


Example Report Output


Report Notes

Current Period (displays current period date) - This block will appear only if the Current Period option is selected in the column options. This has four sub headers under this section:


Year To Date (displays year to date) - This block will appear only if the Year To Date option is selected in the column options.  This has four sub headers under this section:


Inception To Date (displays BOT - end of current period) - This block will appear only if the Inception To Date option is selected in the column options. This has five sub headers under this section:


Budget - This block will appear only if Budget option is selected in the column options, This has two sub headers under this section:


Funded Value - This block will appear only if Funded Value is selected in the column options, This has two sub headers under this section:


Total Value - This block will appear only if Funded Value is selected in the column options, This has two sub headers under this section:


A/R Balance - This block will appear only if A/R Balance is selected in column options and if the licenses is Financials . This has two sub headers under this section:


Drill Downs and Navigation

From this report you can click on the menu icon in the leading column () where you'll be presented with navigation options to the following reports (to be run for the project selected):



Depending on which roles a user has, reporting options and click-throughs may or may not be available.  

Users having necessary roles can also click on specific values within each record as follows:

See Revenue and Cost Reporting Calculations for more information about the values on this report.


CSV Output

On this report you will notice the CSV () icon, which can be used to generate a CSV formatted output.  Whatever columns you select under Column Options will also appear in the CSV formatted document.


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