Unanet 11.0 includes a number of exciting new and improved features to help you more easily run your business. Among the more noteworthy enhancements, Unanet now has purchasing functionality, including Purchase Requisitions (PR), Purchase Orders (PO), and Vendor Invoices (VI).
A number of additional enhancements round out the release, including 10 new User Defined Fields added to many pages (e.g. People Profile, Project Profile, Task, etc.), expense report voiding, timesheet reporting at the task level, and more.
Screen shot images are not up to date yet, as we removed some icons at the top of the pages and have new User Interface (UI) styles throughout. This does not affect functionality - just something to be aware of.
General availability date for 11.0 is 04/05/2019.
See below for:
New User Interface -- We have a new UI look and feel. Please see the New UI page for more information.
Purchasing Requisitions -- Added functionality for purchase requests.
Purchase Orders - Added functionality for purchase orders.
Purchasing Periods -- Added Purchasing with Commitment date to Fiscal Period Close.
Vendor Invoices -- Added functionality to associate Vendor Invoices with Purchase Orders.
New Purchasing Roles -- Added new roles including PO Owner, Project PO Viewer, Project PR Viewer, Purchase Order Assigner, Purchase Order Viewer, Purchase Requestor, Purchase Requisition Viewer, Purchaser, Receiver/Approver, and Purchasing Manager.
Purchase Order Assignments - Projects now have a field called Require PO for Non-Employee (PO) Time on the Time tab, and Require PO for Non-Employee (PO) Expense on the Expense tab. If these are checked, then timesheets and expense reports for subcontractors must be tied to a PO. The timesheet cell will be mapped to the PO based on project , labor category, and date. The expense report will be mapped to the PO based on the project, expense type, and date. Subcontractor timesheet updates will automatically update Vendor Invoice and Purchase Order line items.
Purchase Order Formats - You can add PO Formats through the Admin menu and then use those formats on your POs to determine the PO output when printing or emailing the PO to the vendor.
Approvals - Added new Admin Setup Purchasing approval groups and Purchasing Approvals.
Attachments -- Attachments for PR and PO.
Items -- Items are used in Purchasing and the Vendor Invoice when entering purchases where the user wishes to keep track of quantities purchased as well as the cost. Also affected: Master Import, Project Import, Master Export, Project Export, and new Items link on Project profile page
Project Items -- Items specific to a project. If any items are specified for the project level, only those items are available for the project. Otherwise, all active items with rate(s) are available for that project.
Project Administrators -- Added Project Approver Approves Before Manager checkbox for Project Approvers. If this is checked, then all project approvers must approve their items charged to the project prior to any manager approvals.
Unit of Measure -- You can set up units of measure to be used on Items.
Updates to Project Profile -- There are new fields on project import and task import.
Increase UDFs to 20 -- Any entity that currently has UDFs can now have up to 20 of them.
New Subcontractor employee type on person profile -- New value in the employee type drop-down menu. When the subcontractors enter their timesheets, the system will attempt to match the time and expense entries for the person to a PO or PO Line. The new subcontractor classification is excluded from all dilution methods.
Expense Report Void function -- Allows Admin, P&R Admin, HR Admin, or manager/alternate manager (if Allow Manager to Void Expense Reports (unasense.expense.manager.void) property set to true) to void expense reports.
Shared Documents -- A Shared Document repository accessed by the following roles: Document Manager (access based on financial or document access), Document Viewer (access based on financial or document access), System Admin, Project Document Viewer (access based on project or owning access). This also affects Person Imports, Organization Access Imports, Organization Access/Person/Project Exports, and Organization Access reports. Shared Documents can be referenced from multiple entities (e.g. subcontractor agreement may be associated with the Purchase Requisition and all Purchase Orders and Projects associated with the subcontractor agreement).
Reporting Changes for Project Cost Summary - Changes to support new labor and item transaction types and period sensitive commitments to the JSR.
Cost Summary Bar & Line Chart -- Added the following options to the Show in Chart selection criteria:
Show Total Value - displays the sum of total values for all projects included in the report.
Show Funded Value - displays the sum of funded values for all projects included in the report.
Show % of Funded Value - displays the requested percentage of the funded value total. When checked, you can enter a percentage from 1% to 99%. The default value is 75%.
New Project Commitments Details report - Run a report for project commitments related to Purchase Orders and Vendor Invoices.
Landscape Option for Invoice Format -- The invoice format can now be portrait or landscape to accommodate more columns.
Allow Timesheet and Expense Reporting at the Task Level, and Item Reporting at project and task levels -- You can allow reporting for these at the task level (see Project Tasks).
Billing & Revenue Post/Unpost changes -- New transactions from Vendor Invoices will be included in the Billing & Revenue Post and Unpost. These include labor detail lines and item detail lines.
Added fourth column on all of the tabs of the Admin Setup Invoice Format page.
Orientation for invoice formats can be landscape or portrait and is automatically determined based on how many columns are selected to display. See Admin Setup Invoice Format - Summary page for more information.
New "filter by" values, column dropdown values, and Section Details fields were added to the Admin Setup Invoice Format pages.
The Invoice Edit page has two new left menu items - CP Items and T&M Items.
On the Invoice Edit page, the Primary Invoice Format from the Project >> Billing >> Invoice Setup screen is the format that is used in the preview.
System Requirements
Please review the System Requirements help page to make sure your platform has the necessary underlying component versions to support this version of Unanet.
Note recent changes:
Beginning with version (v11.0), we no longer support IE 10, Apache 2.2, Windows Server 2008, or Oracle 11gR1.
Beginning with version (v10.3), we no longer support Java 1.7 or Tomcat 7.
Beginning with version (v10.0), we no longer support Internet Explorer 7, 8 or 9, JRun, Tomcat 6.x, Java 1.6, SQL Server 2005 or Oracle 10.
Beginning with version (v9.6), we no longer support Oracle v9 or Java 1.5.
Beginning with version (v9.5), we no longer support Internet Explorer 6 or Tomcat 5.5.
Beginning with version (v9.4), we no longer support MS SQL Server 2000.
Should you need to update your database version you will want to do this prior to running the Unanet migration.
The process of updating your SQL Server database involves the creation of a backup of the database in the older version and then a restore of that file in the newer database version.
Java Memory Parameter Tuning -- Unanet 10.0 and up will require you to increase several memory related parameters in order to function properly. See Required Java Tuning for more information.
The file layout for the Project Import has changed (all new fields are optional and added to the end of the import layout).
New Field -TS_Non_Emp_PO_Required (Field #91)
New Field -Exp_Non_Emp_PO_Required (Field #92)
New Field -Allows_Item (Field #93)
New Field -Item_Requires_Task (Field #94)
New Fields -User11 - User20 (Field #95 - 104)
New Field -Proj_Access_Proj_Doc_Viewer (Field #105)
New Field -Proj_Access_PO_Viewer (Field #106)
New Field -Proj_Access_PR_Viewer (Field #107)
The file layout for the Task Import has changed (all new fields are optional and added to the end of the import layout).
New Field -TS_Non_Emp_PO_Required (Field #50)
New Field -Allows_Time (Field #51)
New Field -Exp_Non_Emp_PO_Required (Field #52)
New Field -Allows_Expense (Field #53)
New Field -Allows_Item (Field #54)
New Field -Item_Offset_Org (Field #55)
New Fields -User11 - User20 (Field #56 - 65)
The file layout for the Organization Import has changed (all new fields are optional and added to the end of the import layout).
New Fields -User11 - User20 (Field #40 - 49)
The file layout for the Person Import has changed (some new fields are conditionally required and all are added to the end of the import layout).
New Field - Person_Purchase_Approval_Amt (Field #71)
New Field - Person_Purchase_Email (Field #72)
New Field - Person_Approval_Grp_Timesheet (Field #73)
New Field - Person_Approval_Grp_Leave (Field #74)
New Field - Person_Approval_Grp_Exp_Rep (Field #75)
New Field - Person_Approval_Grp_Exp_Req (Field #76)
New Field - Person_Approval_Grp_PO (Field #77)
New Field - Person_Approval_Grp_PR (Field #78)
New Field - Person_Approval_Grp_VI (Field #79)
New Fields -User11 - User20 (Field #80 - 89)
New Field - Vendor_Invoice_Person (Field #90)
New Field - PO_Form_Title (Field #91)
The file layout for the Customer Profile Import has changed (all new fields are optional and added to the end of the import layout).
New Fields -User11 - User20 (Field #16 - 25)
The file layout for the Vendor Profile Import has changed (all new fields are optional and added to the end of the import layout).
New Fields -User11 - User20 (Field #21 - 30)
The file layout for the Master Expense Types Import has changed (all new fields are optional and added to the end of the import layout).
New Fields -User11 - User20 (Field #28 - 37)
The file layout for the Organization Contact Import has changed (all new fields are optional and added to the end of the import layout).
New Fields -User11 - User20 (Field #25 - 34)
The file layout for the Project Administrators Import has changed (all new fields are optional and added to the end of the import layout).
New Field -PM_Approves_Before_Mgr (Field #10)
New Field -Approval_Type (Field #11)
The file layout for the Vendor Invoice Import has changed (one new field is conditionally required and all new fields are added to the end of the import layout).
New Field -PO_Number (Field #35)
New Field -Dtl_Line_Type (Field #36)
New Field -Dtl_Line_Id (Field #37)
New Field -Dtl_Hours (Field #38)
New Field -Dtl_Quantity (Field #39)
New Field -Dtl_Labor_Cost_Rate (Field #40)
New Field -Dtl_Item_Cost_Rate (Field #41)
New Field -Dtl_Labor_Category (Field #42)
New Field -Dtl_Item_Code (Field #43)
New Field -Dtl_UOM (Field #44)
New Field -Submitter (Field #45)
New Field -Approval_Group_Name (Field #46)
The file layout for the Approval Groups Import has changed (all new fields are optional and added to the end of the import layout).
New Field -Approval_Group_Type (Field #5)
Migration Instructions
Once you're all ready, here is a link to the migration instructions.
Migration Considerations
Note the migration from v9.6 to v10.0 includes running multiple sql scripts and potentially a cost plus data conversion should you have cost plus data in your system.
Migration Dry Run
Unanet encourages self-hosted customers to perform mock migrations in a test environment to identify and address potential issues prior to migrating your production system. The Unanet license allows for additional Unanet sites for the purpose of testing. This does not apply to On Demand Subscription customers.
IMU / Command Line Import / Export Notice
If you are running the command line import.jar, export.jar or ImportDiff utilities (which are often called from within the IMU), be sure to copy the 11.0 versions of these files. These utilities can be found in the 'utilities' directory and are also available on our Support download site.
Database Schema Changes
If your site uses any custom stored procedures or other external customized programs (e.g. for reporting or integration), you should review and test your custom logic to make sure it will function with this new version. You may want to review the database migration scripts to gain a complete understanding of any new, removed or renamed fields or tables. These scripts are located in your \unanet\database directory (under oracle or sql server).
Unanet Customer Service is always interested in keeping up with which versions of software are in use at customer sites. At the conclusion of your upgrade, please take a quick minute to send an email to support@unanet.com indicating your success (along with the version you are running). If you have the time, you could also click on the Send to Unanet button on the About page (which will forward your platform details to customer service).