Reports - Dashboard

The Reports Dashboard provides a number of navigational links, summary information, helpful tips and more.  This listing includes both Reports and Charts.   Below is an example dashboard screen with a description of the various items that may be included.


This dashboard is available all Unanet users. The sections and options that appear depend on which roles a user has.

This menu option is available with all editions of Unanet.


Topics covered on this help page include:


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Example Dashboard

Note that you can hover your mouse over the information icon to view additional information about each report.
The sections in the screen shot above are all expanded.  This screen, however, will remember which sections were expanded the last time you visited this screen and display certain sections either expanded or collapsed (depending how you had them configured the previous time you were on the screen).

Sub-Menu Items

Depending on each user's roles, the following sub-menu items may be available under the Reports main menu item:


My Reports

If you have a certain report that you run on a frequent basis with the same or similar selection criteria, you can save and reuse that criteria.  Once you save a report or create an ad-hoc report, you can control which saved reports and/or ad-hoc reports will appear in your My Reports section so that you can quickly run the report directly from your dashboard (without having to supply selection criteria).   

Clicking on the [config] link is a short cut to the Preferences >> Dashboard (My Reports tab) where you can manage which Saved Reports and/or Ad-hoc Reports will appear in your My Reports listing.  Note that you can control which saved reports will appear on each of the main menu dashboard.  An example appears below:

Check out Saving Report Criteria and Ad hoc Reporting for more information regarding those topics.

Shared Reports

Similar to the concept of My Reports, Administrators can define saved reports and make them available for others to run.  

Clicking on the [config] link in this section is a short cut to the Preferences >> Dashboard (Shared Reports tab) where you can manage which Saved Shared Reports will appear in your Shared Reports listing.  Note that you can control which shared reports will appear on each of the main menu dashboard.  An example appears below:

Administrators can check out Sharing Reports for more information.

My Lists

Similar to the concept of My Reports, users can define saved selection criteria for various lists for one click running (such as lists of people, list of projects, and even Project Notes selection criteria).  

Clicking on the [config] link in this section is a short cut to the Preferences >> Dashboard (My Lists tab) where you can manage which My List lists will appear in your My Lists  listing.  Note that you can control which saved lists will appear on each of the main menu dashboard.  An example appears below:

Dashboard  [config]

Clicking on the  [config] link on the dashboard title bar, will navigate you to the Preferences >> Dashboard (Dashboard tab) page where you can configure many of the sections on your dashboard, including which reports will appear in your left menu column, which items and in which order various controls will appear in the center section of your dashboards, etc.

 Reports Menu

Unanet has a powerful assortment of built-in reports.  The reports dashboard will contain a variety of reports which users will have access to based on which Unanet products are installed and which roles a users has.

Each report has a selection criteria page where you can specify what data you would like to include in the output.  If you run certain reports with similar selection criteria you can save this criteria and either recall it on the selection criteria screen for further editing or even launch it directly from the Quick Links section available on various dashboard screens.  See Saved Reports for more information.

Click on the links below to learn more about specific reports. Reports that have export to csv, pdf, or Excel option are followed by (CSV), (PDF), or (EXCEL) accordingly.

Accounts Payable

Accounts Receivable


General Ledger


Detail Reports

Periodic Reports


Summary Reports

Status Reports


Detail Reports

Periodic Reports


Summary Reports

Status Reports


Detail Reports

Periodic Reports

Summary Reports

Status Reports


Detail Reports

Periodic Reports


Detail Reports

Periodic Reports


Summary Reports

Status Reports


Reports Available by Edition

In the above Report Dashboard menu, the T, E, P or F reflect which reports are available depending on the edition of Unanet you have installed.  If there is no value noted, then the report is available in all editions.

See the Features by License for more information about the various functionality available with each Unanet edition.

Who Has Access to Reports?

Note: Unanet allows the option to restrict the scope of data that various roles can view via the Organization Access feature.
To learn more about this functionality, check out Restrict View.


Reports Available


People, Project and Financial Built-in and Ad-hoc reports, plus access to full Export functionality

P&R Administrator

People, Project and Ad-hoc reports, plus access to full Export functionality

HR Administrator

People Built-in and Ad-hoc reports, plus access to limited Export functionality


People Built-in and Ad-hoc reports (with the exception of the Project Administrators report)


People Built-in and Ad-hoc reports (with the exception of the Approval Group Detail & Project Administrators reports)

Project Manager
Project Lead
Project Approver
Project Viewer
Resource Requestor

Project and Project Accounting Built-in and Ad-hoc reports

Billing Manager
Billing Viewer

Project Accounting - Billing related (Billing, Invoice and Journal) reports

Resource Planner
Resource Assigner

Resource Built-in reports (with the exception that Resource Assigners do not see Resource Request report)

GL Admin

Bank Reconciliation, Statement of Indirect Rates

GL Viewer

Balance Sheet Statement, GL Detail, GL Summary (Trial Balance), Trending Income Statement, Income Statement

AR Admin

*no report access

AR Viewer

Accounts Receivable Activity, Accounts Receivable Aging

AP Admin

*no report access

AP Viewer

Accounts Payable Activity, Accounts Payable Aging


Project Time Detail, Project Expense Detail and Project Actuals Summary reports

Timesheet Users and Expense Users

User reports


Accounts Payable Activity


Purchase Order Viewer

Project Administrator

Project Commitments Details


Note:  The above reflects the default installation configuration.  Your menu structure may be different if your Unanet administrator has customized the menu.xml properties.

If the built-in reports do not provide the information you are seeking, you might consider checking out the Administrator's Export feature (which can be used to create custom data pulls) or the Ad hoc Reporting feature.

Note that a users ability to view and manipulate bill or cost related fields is governed by each users Cost Rate and Bill Rate Manager role assignments in conjunction with the Allow Bill Rate Edit (unasource.allow_bill_rate_edit) and Allow Cost Rate Edit (unasource.allow_cost_rate_edit) properties.

Volume Considerations

When running reports for many people, projects or large date ranges, the report generation and display make take a considerable amount of time and processing capacity.  To help enforce that users supply appropriate selection criteria to narrow down their reporting requests, the Limit results In Search Filters (unanet.volume_search.filter_limit) property can be used.  This property will limit the number of entries that may be included in the selection criteria multi-select boxes.

You may also what to check out the Restrict View help page which lists additional configuration considerations to limit user data visibility.

How To / Tips

This section of the dashboard will contain links to additional instructions.   The tips displayed will vary depending on each user's role.  

Administrators can control which links and sections appear on the dashboards.

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